Ex-Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Chris Deering does not believe recent layoffs across the games industry…
Ex-Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Chris Deering does not believe recent layoffs across the games industry have been a result of corporate greed. Instead, workers who have lost their jobs should "drive an Uber" or "go to the beach for a year" until employment settles.
"I don't think it's fair to say that the resulting layoffs have been greed," said Deering. "I always tried to minimise the speed with which we added staff because I always knew there would be a cycle and I didn't want to end up having the same problems that Sony did in Electronics."
That was the most out of touch thing to say. Clearly these execs have never sweat from actual work in their lives that they think people can get comfortable with no income.
C-Suite pay precludes equitable worker pay. They are always lying through their teeth.
The fact that CEO compensation has grown far faster than the pay of the top 0.1% of wage earners indicates that CEO compensation growth does not simply reflect a competitive race for skills (the “market for talent”) that also increases the value of highly paid professionals more generally. Rather, the growing pay differential between CEOs and top 0.1% earners suggests the growth of substantial economic rents (income not related to a corresponding growth of productivity) in CEO compensation. CEO compensation, it appears, does not reflect the greater productivity of executives but the specific power of CEOs to extract concessions.
Totally tracks with the idea that the eventual destination here isn't capitalism, it's actually worse than that...it's fucking neofeudalism.
They don't want to produce a better product than the competitors, they want to extract rents from anyone unlucky enough to need to use the tools or knowledge in their fiefdom, and they want to use those rents to buy up more tools and knowledge to charge rents on.
I mean, rent seeking is the best case scenario for a capitalist. You just insert yourself in the supply chain without much investment and get money for simply being in the chain.
It's amazing how incentives at high levels can absolutely twist someone.
Rather than discuss or investigate the situations that lead to these hire/fire cycles, potentially find a better way, they accept it as inevitable and build off of that.
They get to take the lazy route and still have room to internally satisfy their withered conscience that they are somehow "doing good" by making vague attempts to offset the shit situation, rather than trying to eliminate said situation entirely.
Fucking hell why does this explain so much of the bullshit I am dealing with at work right now?
Yes, I know, sarcastic, rhetorical post but we should all know how to start the process because fuck these companies and these leeches constantly screwing us over with their greed.
This is helpful, but the legal process is very much "the easy part" in my experience.
The hardest part is getting everyone riled enough to actually do something about it without getting singled out yourself, because everywhere is full of cowering servants who "don't wanna rock the boat" and say things like "It is what it is." and "I've only got a few more years."
These days feels like you gotta grokk leaked psy-ops manuals from various intelligence agencies to form the kind of proper coordination to find yourself not just standing there alone, a pitiful "distruntled employee".