Vance wrote on X that "people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country." Police say they haven't seen evidence.
It doesn't even make sense. Like, if you're here illegally, why would you bring an absurd amount of attention to yourself by stealing and eating someone's pet? Beyond that, who would believe for a single second that the social media and mainstream media outrage machines wouldn't start blasting that story non-stop? It never ceases to amaze me that the bar for GOP politicians has dropped so low that this is their pick. It's just fucking weird.
After NBC News asked the Vance campaign about the lack of evidence for his claim, a spokesperson said that the senator had received “a high volume of calls and emails over the past several weeks from concerned citizens in Springfield” and that “his tweet is based on what he is hearing from them.”
Ohio people need to get together and see what other crazy shit they can get this guy to say.
All you have to do is post stupid shit on Facebook.
The false claims about threats to pets began going viral on social media over the weekend, fueled in part by a fourth-hand story that appeared to come from a Facebook group focused on local crime in Springfield.
The group was set to private on Monday, but according to screenshots posted on X, someone in the Facebook group posted that “my neighbor informed me that her daughters friend had lost her cat.” The poster went on to describe Haitians allegedly taking the cat for food.
Surely someone can make up crazier shit. Like JD Vance cheating on his wife, only to abandon his new crush at Goodwill once she found out
Even this guy’s made up racist claims are weird and awkward.
Like… I’m no stranger to hearing crazy, racist, entitled, rich, white people bullshit stories, But this guy is shockingly bad at making these stories up. One good method of lying is to include enough believable detail that, of course, this must’ve happened. Another method of good lying is to be so over the top that the sheer commitment to the story makes it believable. This douchebag is nowhere in the galaxy of being smart enough, but of course he also had neither it being both ridiculous in the extreme nor it being outrageous enough with the level of commitment for it to be believable. It just sounds like he made up some racist bullshit, on the spot, because he felt pressured to fit in.
“Oh, yeah, hehe, right, those Haitians, yeah… I heard uhh… Ohioans keep saying they kill and eat hamsters! Or cats or whatever… That’s what people are saying!”
I saw one of those right-wing propaganda videos talking exactly about this, saying how this is "Kamala's America" and people voting for her condone Haitians eating ducks from parks and pet cats, and it was incredibly funny until I read the comments, with every single one 100% believing the claims without question. I wonder if those people are bots or are they just xenophobic enough for "Haitians eating pets" to make sense without question in their worldview.