Interested in hearing what coffee roasters the community recommends. I'm getting into specialty coffee (single origin, roasted for filter brewing), and am keen for recommendations. But also keen to hear about whatever it is that gets you going in the morning.
My favourite roaster at the moment is Rocket Coffee. Their roster of beans is constantly shifting, so you're not necessarily going to get the same coffee every week -- but there's always something interesting and/or absolutely delicious.
Yeah this thread is wild to read, I just assumed I'd see Peoples, Havana, L'affare, etc. but it looks like this is actually a very regional thing. Which is cool!
Rocket are great too. Other suggestions would be Red Rabbit and People’s. If you want to try a bunch of different roasters there are a few “surprise” subscriptions that send coffee from a new roaster each month. On The Grind and Fernweh are two that spring to mind.
I’m also surprised amount up supermarket recommendations here… have supermarkets finally upped their game?
I like the idea of a subscription, but am also just really enjoying going in and chatting with the baristas at my local cafes.
And yeah -- I've tried a bag of one of their single origins, and was really stoked with it. But I can't find anywhere on my side of town that stocks them, which is a shame.
Oooh, they look like they'll have some stuff that's up my alley. I do notice there's a lot of chocolate in their tasting notes, which makes me think they may roast a bit darker than I prefer, but will definitely check them out if I see them around.
Particularly intrigued by the Papua New Guinea coffee -- I mostly see stuff from different parts of Africa and South America, so would intrigued to try beans grown in the Pacific.
Robert Harris Italian Roast (better than you’d expect)
Coffee Supreme Blend
Most of these you can get at supermarkets. Other ones I get from here in Christchurch at some cafe’s that do their own roasting, mostly the Black & White Cartel Boss Blend from near my work.
I find the same thing with Raglan Roast being hit or miss. I sometimes get epic batches from them and the next will be meh. The price is reasonable so i keep going back
And another related question, can people go to check facebook (if you use it), go to and click "Recent Activity", then tell us which coffee places you buy from send that information to facebook? There's a list of companies who have sent facebook information about things that happened on sites other than facebook sites.
Two somewhat recent ones for me are Coffee Collective and First But Coffee, who have both sent my data to facebook.
I already use Facebook Container! And I hardly use Facebook at all. My guess is they are uploading lists of name, email, phone to Facebook for advertising but really it's hard to know how Facebook manages to connect the data.
I also have a bunch of stuff in the list that I do not recognise at all. I'd really like more info on what Facebook has but they basically just say they have info from this place and don't elaborate.
I've never had anything but consistent quality from Coffee Supreme. Supermarket stock is a bit more dated for roasts than if you pop into store (if you're in Wgtn) but still plenty fresh for home espresso.
I manage a cafe and tried a bunch of different beans before settling on MacKenzie's Mainland blend. A mellow, super easy to drink blend that's just as good in a flat white as it is as a doppio. We get a lot of compliments on it.
Personal favourite is Escape, a Taranaki based roaster. A lot more character than others though, so maybe not for everyone!
C4 do some amazing single origins. Headset is my favourite blend there. They did an advent calendar last Christmas with 25 different columbian and a writeup on each grower. Was so good.
PS the bourbon aged coffee is back in stock, but I'm not so happy about the shipping cost. Haven't pulled the trigger yet, will have to think about it I'm willing to pay almost double...
I think just what's on the page, but there's a bit of info there. It sounds like they take the green beans, then put them in the charred bourbon barrel (there's a photo in the slideshow), then "age" them (it doesn't say for how long), then after it's aged they roast them.
I am also very intrigued and keen to try it. It's odd that I can't actually find it on their website, only from the direct link.
I would recommend trying beans from a variety of origins. The acidity, caffeine content, mouth feel, etc can vary depending on what region the beans are from. My personal favorite is Ethiopian, especially when the roast brings out blueberry notes.