China is not pushing Africa into debt trap, South African president says
China is not pushing Africa into debt trap, South African president says
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ravhall Person benefiting financially from deal says bad deal is good deal.
40 10 Replyjohsny
Exactly this.
2 2 Reply
NigelFrobisher And he should know because his bank balance has only gone up since he started working with them.
18 1 Replyms.lane West shrugs shoulders
We told you it was a bad deal, don't come crying to us or trying to blame us when it turns out it's a bad deal later on.
You made your own bed this time, this has nothing to do with colonialism of 100 years ago, if it blows up in your face it's not on the west.
13 3 ReplyMelonpoly South Africa is a joke of a country, 30 years after apartheid and they've somehow managed to make things worse for themselves.
9 1 ReplyMedia Bias Fact Checker BOTReuters - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
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1 6 Replywurzelgummidge After several hundred years of Western investment which only creates slums and brothels, props up violent dictators and which leaves behind a big hole in the ground where the countries resources have been stripped, I would suggest that investment that builds railways, ports and other infrastructure, creates jobs and new markets, is like a breath of fresh air .
10 18 ReplyTransplantedSconie
Because there are no slums or brothels in China, big holes in the ground, and they have never propped up violent dictators.
18 2 ReplyRagingSnarkasm Surely this leopard won't eat my face.
17 3 Reply
InvertedParallax After several hundred years of Western investment which only creates slums and brothels
Remind me: How old is China? No poor people in Tibet or Yunnan? Burma is doing wonderfully too, I hear.
14 3 Replycatloaf Maybe. But there's no such thing as a free lunch. It all comes with strings attached.
1 0 Reply