Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
Mechanical dragons deliver fire on command.
Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
Mechanical dragons deliver fire on command.
The self fellatiating "superior" pacifists in here bragging that they would never think of doing something so horrible as to defend themselves violently from a group actively trying to murder you or your fellow citizens and kidnap your children are a special sort of disconnexted from reality.
Abusers will continue to push what they can get away with and you are the types that would tell women to stay with their husbands that beat them and children to accept being raped because to fight back might make a mess of your peaceful idea of reality.
Also this isn't boring you nonce.
Lmao the environmentalist take was my favorite. Some people are unbelievably sheltered.
I hate Putin and any Russian war sympathizer as much as the next guy, but...
My grandfather got a white phosphorus burn during WW2. He told me it was the most terrible pain he ever felt in his entire life, you can't extinguish it, and he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. I heard the same kind of stories from people who got napalm burns in Vietnam.
I'm pretty sure thermite munitions are in the same category of basically inhumane weapons regardless of the circumstances, right up there with NBCs, mines, napalm and white phosphorus, and I can't say I fully side with the Ukrainians on this one. I mean I understand why they do it, but I also remember my grandfather's leg and the horror of what he told me.
Russia is welcome to withdraw from its genocidal, imperialist, unilateral invasion at any time.
"it's not a war crime if we're defending ourselves"
As an American, I gotta say, this is probably a sentiment we ourselves shouldn't be getting behind. War crimes are committed in our name with our weapons every single day.
"They started it!" is not a valid reason to commit a war crime.
That's what Putin said about Ukraine.
After seeing countless attacks on Ukrainian civilians, I really don't care what happens to the invading forces anymore. Remove them from Ukrainian territory however you want, I really don't care.
It does sound borderline war crime, but then again the US buried thousands of Iraqi soldiers alive in the first gulf war, but our lawyers also did the mental gymnastics to justify it not being one beforehand so presumably they have some justification so its just barely legal.
That being said, its not like Russia is being super careful about its rules of engagement.
Don't want to get war crimed, don't do war crimes first.
No device made to kill a human is humane. Russia started this. They can stop this whenever they want and go back to their shitty ice-hell.
No device made to kill a human is humane
Yes but some are more inhumane than others. That's why the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons exists, which lists the following protocols:
Thermite is a protocol 3 weapon. So again, while I understand that Ukraine is desperate to defend itself, using that stuff is not great.
The sad thing is that Putin doesn’t care about war crimes. He will sacrifice as many soldiers or civilians as necessary to get his way.
The sad thing is that, years after this war is over, we'll probably learn our money and weapons were misused, just as we did with Iraq and Afghanistan.
People will remind you of that, and it won't matter. You'll still support whatever war we're involved in, and all because the news network you watch insists that you should.
You forgot to add "Wake up sheeple!!!"
Unfortunately, that’s true of virtually everyone throughout the world. We’re all immersed in propaganda of one kind or another.
What if the Russians didn't start a war?
What if Ukraine didn't start the fire?
Edit: guys it's a reference to the song, I'm not trying to start a conspiracy.
Impossible. Are you meaning to suggest that it was always burning since the world's been turning?
That's awful! Please keep doing that.
Agreed, maybe the images being shared in Russia media make these fuckers think before going there
Could anyone tell me why the fuck this isn't a war crime?
Thats the fun part, it is.
No it isnt. Incendiary weapons are legal if not used on civilians and couple of other rules.
That the fun part, your are wrong
It's always good to read different opinions about topics like that.
This is not boring tho, make them screens more, maybe they learn to not rape others
I'm glad fire is easy to control and produces no byproducts that accelerate the climate apocalypse.
"Can you be a bit more environmentally conscious while you fend off the extermination of your culture, country, family, friends, and people? Thaaaaanks."
Are you really giving them crap for not thinking of mother nature as they defend their homes from invaders?
Sadly, Ukraine has to think about their survival for the next year, not the next decades.
Heck yeah chemical warfare. When is Agent Orange making a comeback
This is not chemical warfare...
The only one committing chemical warfare in Ukraine right now is Russia. You probably wouldn't know about that though.
no need, there's not enough foliage in Ukranian forests. plus winter is coming, so...
now let's talk about nerve gas
Comical warfare is when you carpet bomb with corpses of clowns????