Obviously welcomed news but the interesting point that commentators are calling out is this:
However, the total capacity of offshore wind projects secured may not yet be enough to meet the UK’s stretching target of decarbonising electricity supplies by 2030.
Industry had previously argued that this round, and the next one, would need to deliver about 10GW of offshore wind capacity each to keep the sector on track with government targets.
Today's news shows confidence in the sector and in government stability after the lacklustre auction of last year under the previous administration.
Good starting point but we need more. Well done Ed.
The UK’s aim to develop cleaner energy has taken a step forward after 131 clean energy projects won state subsidy contracts in this year’s auction round — which the government said was enough to potentially power about 11mn homes.
For a Government which harps on about fiscal prudence they sure have the most inefficient ways of funding clean energy, subsidies.
They are already constrained by their self inflicted rules. Capitalists don't invest unless there is money to be made, it is a simple fact. The subsidies are just incressing capitalist profits.
Alternate way, setup a state owned energy company, hire workers directly. No capitalists parasite middlemen.
It's a state owned funding company for projects if I recall correctly. Not an actual energy company which is what people on the left want. For the state to run everything.