Thankfully for us, the spacecraft that deployed the sail contains four cameras that can capture a panoramic view of both the reflective sail and the accompanying composite booms. The first of the high-resolution imagery is expected to be accessible on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
Either way, NASA is already exploiting it. I guess, next they’ll find a way to glitch through the very fabric of the universe to teleport to a distant galaxy without moving at all or even using any energy.
In short, even though photons have no mass, they still have momentum proportional to their energy, given by the formula p=E/c. Because photons have no mass, all of the momentum of a photon actually comes from its energy and frequency as described by the Planck-Einstein relation E=hf.
This NASA video is pretty amazing. I was wondering how they did the booms and they are soft carbon fiber tubes rolled up on spools. I was imagining that you could simply spin the sail and use centrifugal force to expand it.
Maybe someone can answer me this: I've always wondered if a solar sail can only generate momentum away from the sun or if it can be angled to create momentum in other direction. Since the light is reflected and not absorbed, angling it e.g. 45° you change the "momentum" of the photons. That should also change the momentum impacted on the solar sail and spacecraft. Right?
Maybe someone can answer me this: I've always wondered if a solar sail can only generate momentum away from the sun or if it can be angled to create momentum in other direction.
Yeah, 100%. You can totally steer and control your orientation with a solar sail. This is one of the rare actually intuitive things when it comes to spaceflight. (with physics in space It seems like nothing actually works the way you'd expect it to, but this basically does)
We actually have some experience controlling orientation with "solar sails" too. I remember one example of a spacecraft which long after finishing its official mission was left to tumble out of control. Years later, some engineers were able to regain control, use the last of its propellant to counter its tumble and then keep it oriented correctly using only its solar panels as sails, light pressure was carefully controlled to keep the spacecraft oriented.
I could be mistaken, but I believe NASA used the same technique with light pressure to keep Kepler oriented properly as its reaction wheels each failed in sequence.
Ah thank you, never seen that mentioned. That makes it even more awesome for solar system exploration! The article mentioned expanding to much larger designs too.
PS: Now I wonder if assembling these solar sails with lightweight girders in orbit on a space station would be worth it. The spooling mechanism is awesome but if you could just send it up dis-assembled and assemble it in space they could probably be more efficient.
Haven't heard about the NASA design yet, but JAXA's 2010 IKAROS used "Eighty blocks of LCD panels are embedded in the sail, whose reflectance can be adjusted for attitude contro ".
Oh wow interesting. So using LCD is more efficient in weight than using motors to tilt the sails? Or maybe the advantage is not having to counter any sail movement with gyroscopes... which cost energy too.
Indeed. In Deep Space 9, they built one and tried to sail it from Bajor. Got caught in a field of tachyons and ended up at Cardassia. Would essentially be like us making it to Proxima Centauri though.
What's fun about these is that the mass of the actual vehicle can be much smaller if it doesn't need to carry rocketry and fuel on board. So even though they'll never compete with rockets for power (energy used over a specific length of time), starting at a lighter weight and never running out of fuel means that these systems could theoretically exceed the top speeds (relative to the earth) of our fastest rockets, given enough time.