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  • I spent so much time trying to figure out the solution, only to check the game to discover that white's actual play was to tank for 30 seconds and then resign.

    • I straight gave up after staring for 2 mins

    • That doesn't mean that he should have resigned...

      • Maybe, but I'm going to assume the GM is better than I am lol. I didn't find a winning line for white after staring at it a lot longer than he did; just amusing that someone posted a puzzle with no solution.

  • Move the king, then work with the knight and pawns. Hopefully get white queen out and pick off the black bishop to free things up a bit.

    I suck at chess though

  • How do I send this board to lichess stockfish?

    Also, someone please tell me the counters for this: White Qe4 check, then White Queen takes the c6 pawn, a few swaps and then white is up on material.

    I'm missing something super obvious. (Ultra casual player)

    • You can use the browser extension for, which uses the same technology as the Reddit bot. Anyway, this is the Lichess analysis board

      After Qe4+, black can defend with f5, and white can't protect the queen and the rook at the same time.

      • Thanks for the links.

        ...and thanks for the analysis, I managed to not consider the f file. :P