I'll give you the worse ones, primarily to ward you off from them.
AskReddit - Sometimes you'll get some thought-provoking questions. But a lot of the time, you'll find heaps of over redundant questions, all spread by just minutes to hours apart. A lot of questions I've noticed recently, are people so quick to karma farm that they'll misspell their questions and just go for low-hanging fruit kinds. And then there'll be questions that are sex-driven, ragebaiting and softly bordering around racism/sexism.
r/TooAfraidToAsk - Another cesspool of questions where people ask WAY too many sex-based ones and stupid plain questions that a simple 5 minute google search would take to answer. People love asking troll bait questions there.
Quora - It can't stop nagging you to give them your info if you try reading answers on any question. It's like AskReddit but 24/7 and the quality is a little above. But more or less, you'll find yourself in the same jam.
They absolutely are, and many people would be excited to answer questions you have (including me, depending on the question). You just need to be careful not to come across as combative, because they'll meet you in kind and it'll be a dogpile.