Technology Connections doing a deep dive into something like how a VHS cassette tape works. I’m interested, but if it’s late, the topic also knocks me out in about 15 min.
This is mine too. Half the time my brain records bits and pieces when I'm asleep and I wake up knowing a few facts about how street lamps work or some shit. fan broke earlier this year; i'm shopping for a mechanical white-noise generator...
...when our central air conditioner failed during this summer's hundred-degree spell, i installed a temporary window-box unit and sleeping was BLISS: tinnitus gang needs fans...
My audiobook player has a sleep timer that after it expires, will gradually fade out to nothing.
Best part is if you're still awake enough that you notice it happening you can just shake your phone (with an adjustable intensity) without turning the screen on or anything and it resets the sleep timer.
Great Lectures are so fantastic too. Interesting stuff but the production quality is so great and soothing and excellent speakers. I don't stand a chance haha.
Nice! Those videos last me forever, too! They're 2-3 hours, but knock me out in 5-10 minutes, and they're interesting enough I keep going back until I get through it.
I finished the Sumerians last week and am 1/4 into the Songhai now.
If you haven't tried already: use earplugs. I realized embarrassingly late that my sensitivity to sound wakes me up quite often and earplugs have been a life changer.
Over the last year or so I've conditioned myself to fall asleep to "Seasons" by Chris Cornell. It's the first song on my sleep playlist and I realized I was conditioned a few weeks ago when my wife was watching the movie Singles (which features the song repeatedly) and every time a bit of the song was played I would yawn.
D&D lore, or any other fictional lore is really good for this. It's not nearly interesting enough to really keep my attention, but just interesting enough that I kinda half listen.
Put this on, and just try to stay awake at night, I dare you.
For background listening while I'm winding down in the evening I like something a little more interesting, and my best for that is probably SEA. One of the best astronomy channels around.
Almost all the suggestions here are videos. Who wants light from a screen keeping them awake when they are trying to sleep? Put on some very quiet music instead. Best for me is when it's something I know pretty well.
I have a giant monitor and just press two buttons and it turns the brightness and contrast all the way down to where it’s just visible enough to watch and barely illuminate the room, but dark enough to have hella darkness with my eyes closed.
...dark mode text while lying in repose on my side usually does the trick for me, but then i wake up later with a drained ipad propped against the wall...
The Exploring Series - He does read throughs of SCP files and Lovecraft stuff, as well as other things. His voice and inflection are excellent for being calming, but not hammy like a lot of sleep story channels.
Astrum - Astronomy and physics related material. Also an excellent voice for this purpose.
Otherwise I sometimes just pull up a dungeon synth album that has the right mood that I'm feeling for the night.
Extremely longform videos where an incredibly talented voice actor/software engineer/performance artist/ADHD dad calls scammers and wastes their time, collecting things like bank accounts to report as compromised, BTC wallet addresses to investigate, and the like. Streams all of his calls live, uses a physical voice transformer, and plays like 12 different characters on the fly. Sometimes plays four characters AT A TIME.
The relaxing sound of scammers just screaming obscenities in other languages.
An irreverant/fantasy show with sypathetic well-intentioned protagonists, at minimum understandable volume, with characters and plotlines that invite analysis. Something about the pointlessness of studying a fantasy universe is a quite effective sleep aid. Various Star Trek series, Futurama, X-Files, Grimm, Family Guy...
For shows that are a great fit except for a few segments (boisterous theme songs, jarring fight scenes, etc) the PotPlayer Skip Playback function (hotkey ') is super useful. Also I have a basic script that gradually mutes the volume after 40 minutes.
The Office (US). I've seen them all a million times but there's still enough to distract my mind. It's using the ubiquity of all the one liners and memes to advantage.
There's this Dutch fella who has a huge library of videos on YouTube where he plays these incredibly difficult custom levels for Doom. Despite the difficulty of playing them pistol start on the hardest difficulty, he's (almost) always very calm, narrating his experiences live with a low, calming voice. Game volume is also set low, so even with tons of explosions and screaming revenants his voice takes center stage.
While he isn't uploading gameplay videos anymore, save for user submitted levels, he was uploading daily videos for the better part of five years. There's plenty of material. I like to put a video or two on while unwinding for bed, and once I start feeling sleepy enough I just lock my phone screen, drop the volume til I can juuuust clearly hear his voice, and fall asleep.
This guy's videos. He has the perfect cadence and voice for it, and the right video length too.
To be perfectly honest I have no idea if the content of the videos is good, but they're very useful.
I like to listen to podcasts/youtube videos about religion. The two I use the most are Religion for Breakfast and Let's Talk Religion. I also sometimes listen to "Fall of Civilizations Podcast". I always get bored if I do nothing but listen to podcast, which helps me sleep.
I do wish I could listen to that last one though, since I like history and the production quality is good. A video can hold my attention for longer than a podcast for some reason.
Usually nothing but silence, but if I can not sleep or am thinking to loud I try to distract myself with some glitch in the matrix or anything by as the Raven dreams.
Oliech. Belgian streamer who plays the Battleground mode of Hearthstone. I don't play that game but I watch his videos on Youtube and whenever I do, I fell asleep and usually sleep well.
Astrum and or SEA. calm space documentaries. interesting enough to hold my attention and keep my mind from racing, not critical enough that I'm afraid to miss it.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or Seinfeld. I know they are always yelling but it soothes me. I think me visualizing the scenes as I listen helps.
Occasionally I fall asleep reading but I'm usually too interested in what I'm reading to sleep. Same with music it's either too interesting or too boring.
Good sleep hygene ie dark quiet cold is incredibly good for you. It makes you 5-10% better at literally everything. Falling asleep to content is incredibly bad for this its literally making ur dumber and more distracted.
How is it bad sleep hygiene to fall asleep to noise? If it is adequately non-engaging, it is pretty much the same as other white noise. Furthermore, it really depends on each person what makes them relax.
To paraphrase an actual sleep scientist (and not just talk out of my ass like most people do about health):
It is easy to see know if you are getting enough sleep. If you feel tired during the day, you need more sleep.
Because the issue with noise is it causes disruption in your sleep cycle and possibly prevent you reaching deeper stages of sleep. White noise is fine and actually considered beneficial because it provides sufficiently consistent noise that can help mask other sounds that may be disruptive. It boils down to monkey brain still worried about animal coming to eat you but not worried about sound of rain hence millions of years of evolutionary selection on our brains to wake on sudden noises but not consistent noises.
Do you drink coffee? If so how are you going to know if your tired or not?
When not in the mood for talking, singing bowls for sure.
When my brain can't stop and I need a distraction, either the sleep with me podcast or welcome to nightvale. Sometimes Sleep Whispers but that one can be over stimulating for my lil ASMR brain.
As I transition to being an old man I'm increasingly falling asleep on the couch while my wife and I watch through the Alone show again. It's quite relaxing.
Last night I fell asleep listening to PBS WashingtonWeek but that's the first time I've fallen asleep with an earbud in in a long time. Usually I just have a fan on.