Because Valve asked Nintendo if it was allowed, and Nintendo said it shouldn't (pretty please), so Valve asked Dolphin to ask Nintendo if they could. Dolphin's team finds of obviously impossible to accomplish.
I think it's smart on Valve's part. With how litigation-happy Nintendo is, I don't think Valve really wants to go to bat for a program that isn't even their own, and isn't even needed on Steam anyway.
Plus it helps leave the door open for a potential partnership if Nintendo ever decides to bring some of their games to PC. I think it will happen at some point because there is both a growing frustration with having to re-buy your library with every new Nintendo system and a lot of profit to be made on PC if you approach it like Sony has.
With Nintendo, it's always a double-edged sword. On one hand, they create really good games, but on the other hand, they are a shitbag company.
I don't mind that Dolphin is not staying on steam for whatever reason - they do have an auto updater and I can use any other cloud service to synchronize my saves - but seriously, just let them be, Nintendo...
Yeah, let them be, or release your games on PC. They would make so much money it's ridiculous. I would quite possibly rebuy all of my favorite Nintendo games if they released on PC
Not sure why it was coming to steam in the first place, made no sense. All it would do when you open it through steam is open the dolphin program, the games themselves weren’t being integrated into steam.
Just seemed like a bizarre decision by the devs that was always going to get blocked.
it's a bit of a tangent on this story, but it's been super disappointing that the wii/gc emulation layers they built for the mario collection hasn't really materialized in anything else.
I feel crazy for thinking we would start getting ports of gc/wii games that feel lost to time
You'd think Nintendo want's people to play their games, but you'd be wrong. Nintendo wants people to buy their games. Whether they play it or not is irrelevant. While some producers and creatives might still have fun and the user first mindset, current Nintendo is only interested on profit. New releases will always make way more money than supporting old releases via emulation. They don't care that people can't legally purchase or play their old games. They think of them as marketing to leverage nostalgia for new releases. They place no value in their library of past games.
I've never thought about it like that, but this is so true. I've thought about how easy it would be for Nintendo to port for example gen 1 Pokemon to phones and charge $5 or $10 and make a boatload of cash. Easy money. But as you imply, that would devalue new releasesand reduce sales if people would rather spend time playing old games.
Replace Nintendo with Sony or Microsoft and you get the same result. No company cares about you playing their games, just buying and spending money. Hell they’d prefer if you didn’t play them and just gave them money.
You’d think Nintendo want’s people to play their games, but you’d be wrong. Nintendo wants people to buy their games.
Ford doesn't want you to drive their cars, they want you to buy their cars.
Apple doesn't want you to use their computers/phones, they want you to buy their computers/phones.
My town doesn't want me to use water, it wants me to pay for that water.
They're not lost, although they would be if Nintendo ever got their way. They have conclusively proven they're not up to the challenge of preserving stuff, and luckily people have done so anyway - despite Nintendo's attempts at fucking with it. The bummer is that you have no legal recourse.
So there's two thoughts on this, yes the games are preserved thankfully. But also, they are culturally lost. If people don't have easy access to creative works, those creative works become lost to all but the few who 1, even know they exist and 2, have the ability to aquire them
So yeah you and me, we can go grab images and emulators. I have a hacked wii and a retrotink. But that doesn't mean the games aren't lost to the vast vast majority
FWIW I believe Mario Galaxy was recompiled for Switch with only some parts being handled via emulation, so it likely isn't just a broad drop-in solution for any game. Though I do wonder if they did something similar for Pikmin and Metroid Prime
As much as I hate Nintendo, I fucking hate them for their stance on emulation. You would think they would have the sense to preserve their heritage outside of their own platforms since they do such an absolute dog shit of a job of providing access to the library and catalogue of games. Either make your games available (as widely as they are via emulation) or move the fuck outta the way.
Edit: I meant to say “as much as I love them”, but going to leave my double hate up there because of how idiotic their decision is to crack down on emulation.
Nintendo loves emulation, they’ve been emulating their games for at least 15 years when they started doing it on the wii, it lets them sell you the same game over and over again on new platforms. They just don’t like it when anyone else does it because they don’t make any money off it.
I was only saying my opinion and in my opinion people are making way too much of a fuss about this, as if the world ended. This outcome should seriously have been expected in my opinion.
Anywas we're not missing out on anything, if it doesn't go on Steam, except of course slightly more comfort and functions that can be fulfilled by other programs as well.