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Car owners are frustrated with infotainment confusion, so GM is taking away the most popular solutions

In case you missed it, GM is planning to ditch CarPlay in all of its future EVs starting next year....

  • A new car not having CarPlay isn't even something I thought I'd have to look out for, yikes. Every rental I've gotten over the past few years has had it, and it's such an upgrade from having to deal with the shitty built in systems.

    Reading the article, they're also getting rid of Android Auto, so really this is just GM being too cheap for literally no reason. I used to think Ford was the company that wouldn't survive the transition to EV's. With GM doing stupid things like this and the electric F150 actually being good, it's looking more and more like GM is the one that's in trouble.

  • Certainly reduces the confusion - one less car brand to consider when shopping.

  • Sounds about right. To sell the pacifica dodge took features away from the caravan and when that did not work they finally just stopped making it. I have to look at sales and see if toyota and honda started selling more minivans.

  • Jokes on them, I hated GM vehicles before and now I've just got more reason to avoid them lol