EXCLUSIVE: Carl Baxter, a MAGA fan who heads up a county Republican club in Florida, is suing the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity over alleged discrimination
Here we have the unstoppable force of "no one should ever be treated that way" meeting the immovable object of "lol fuckin turd deserves exactly what he gets"
A source with direct knowledge of the situation noted that Baxter was technically working for AFP as a contractor, and said AFP was not in fact his direct employer.
Here we go. “Justice” will be elusive, time consuming, expensive, and ultimately unfulfilling.
I hope he wakes up and realizes what kind of people he’s been supporting, and doesn’t just shrug it off as an isolated problem with this one particular organization. I won’t hold my breath.
Yes that’s unsurprising and yes he’s probably a bad person, but also I feel the need to say that’s a really shitty thing to do to him. Even shitty people deserve to not be targeted by racist remarks.
The difference is that racists are not bears. They’re people behaving poorly. I think this is better compared to a thief getting robbed by his partner in crime. Is he a fool? Yes. Is he a bad person? Yes. Can I blame his partner in crime for this? Also yes. In both cases it’s an idiot and a bad person walking into a position that another person behaved poorly towards them.
They are enabling the racists to be further empowered to take further racist actions that effect other people. They deserve the same racism they're enabling to happen to them.
The guy's an uncle tom. if you think that's a shitty, racist thing to say
I think there’s a worthwhile distinction between somebody “deserving” a consequence, versus having it coming because they (wholly or partially) brought it upon themselves.
The classic example is drunk driving. We don’t execute people for it, nor should we. But when somebody is hammered and runs into a tree at 2x the speed limit, they kind of had that coming even though it IS still a tragedy. We look at the silver lining that at least they didn’t take any innocents with them.
In this case, of course the racism is bad and shameful, and it’s the same assholes doing it. It should not be happening. But when the already-existing racists get help from one of the very people they’re trying to marginalize… I mean this is exactly the kind of crap the leopards eating faces meme was created for. I shouldn’t need to explain the absurdity, lol.
But I want to comment on something regarding modding, and ask an honest question: Shouldn't reiteration of historical speeches or texts be omitted from rules about slurs? I mean, reiterating a speech, or a section of Huckleberry Finn, is obviously not the same thing as devaluing someone by calling them a slur. We actually have a quite hot debate going on in my country about this now, where some teachers were harassed for "being racist", because in class they read aloud a famous poem written by an immigrant about racism, where he writes some of the things that were shouted at him. The whole point of the poem, and of reading it in class, is of course to make a point out of how bad racism is, and to educate about racism. Still, these teachers have been stamped as "racists" because they reiterated specific words in the poem.
For the honest question (I'm not American or a native english speaker): Isn't there a historical difference between the word "Negro", and a certain similar word I'll refrain from reiterating? The way I've understood it, the former is a historically more neutral form, that was simply used the way we today would use "black person", while the latter has more or less always had some kind of devaluating undertone. I've gotten that interpretation, among other things, from having read speeches where people are promoting equal rights, and use "Negro" to refer to black people, while clearly not believing that they are inferior in any way (hence the promotion of equal rights). Of course, today, both words are considered unacceptable, but I would like to clarify if I've misunderstood, as it helps in interpreting things that were said or written in the past.
My reasoning is is that I don't want to have to risk arguing why I should be allowed to say the N word, any N word each and every time I want to post this speech. Of all places, my comment was deleted on reddit's /r/badcopnodonut in regards to Mayor of NYC, Eric Adams Tough on Crime stance a while back.
Maybe other forums and communities wont filter out this version of the N word, maybe not. Linking directly to a University's webpage of the speech cuts out a lot of the possible head bashing.
Personally speaking, I think the slur could be used against all those "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" regardless of their skin color.
But I want to comment on something regarding modding, and ask an honest question: Shouldn’t reiteration of historical speeches or texts be omitted from rules about slurs?
I'm not a Lemmy mod, and I've never moderated a community on the scale that any of the Lemmy mods operate at, but I'll share my 2cents anyways.
Moderators will often have "automods" setup that just automatically remove anything with a slur in it and mark it for review. Realistically there should never be any slurs uttered in your community, so you can safely blacklist them and reinstate comments in the rare instance that a comment contains a slur and is worth reinstating
In the case of a quote, if it is in context and has good reason to be there, including the slur, or ideally a partially censored version of the slur can very well be appropriate, but it's one of those situations that's calls for best judgment because someone might think they're smart by quoting famous people who used slurs as a way to use slurs online and not be insta-removed. Really it comes down to one of the finer points of moderating which is curation. By a moderator opening the floodgates in allowing a certain kind of questionable conduct it can change the vibe of a community irreparably, so it's important to be careful about allowing certain conduct and to do so on a case by case basis
Yeah, "racial discrimination lawsuit" sounds like a bunch of woke Democrat talk to me.
Seriously, I do hope he wins some money off of those assholes, but I hope even more that this was a wakeup call for him about the sort of people he was affiliating with, and the sort of views he has been supporting.
You should've read the article. The guy is an avid and active Trump supporter and believed in the cause he worked for. Literally the first 5 words in the article are "A die-hard Trumper in Florida..."