Signal can't do shit
Canit sync messages b/w devices seamlessly?
Doe it have unlimited storage?
Isn't upload size limit 100mb? Telegram has 4gb.
Advance Bots?
Good Ui/Ux?
High quality stickers?
Big public groups?
Mini apps?
Lol, signal is NOT an alternative to telegram as a whole, it can only partly replace its messaging functionality
To add to this, XMPP is much cheaper to host and offers basically the same features when it comes to what OP needs. I host Prosody and it uses so little resources you could probably get it running on the cheapest server you could find.
It's probably 15 years ago I used XMPP the last time. Back then there were many compatibility problems between the apps and especially on the mobile phone with push notifications, etc. There were problems sending media and VOIP calls were non existent outside of the Google clients.
My guess is that some of those things improved but I have not heard anyone in my circles using it, especially since Matrix became a bit more popular, most of the Open Source projects on IRC also moved to Matrix.
I've gone this route. Not for the faint of heart. If you're not self-hosting savvy, but you know someone that hosts a server, absolutely sign up with them. Or use a local public server like, which provides accounts for finnish citizens.
This. I‘m hosting a couple matrix servers and have many friends who have a ton of issues. It really depends on the admin and how tech savvy everyone involved is. If you cant be arsed to understand how key sharing works and check out which is the best client for you, matrix might bot be the best choice. I love it, personally but I suggest it rarely since tech illiterate users tend to get really upset about a free product not matching their insane standards.
Just a heads up about people’s suggestions on signal. If you don’t open your desktop client often and it needs to be logged back in it will not sync your latest notes to self messages (perhaps other messages too).
Friends used telegram so I had the app installed. It was easier to store documents in telegram than in one drive or proton drive, so telegram became my go too. Obviously not the best setup, but it worked and was easy. I'll try out Signal and Matrix, but continence is a big factor in my choice.
I was a Signal defender (although I still use it because it's better than Telegram or WhatsApp) but now I'm more pushing for DeltaChat, Matrix and XMPP.
Unfortunately the Signal recommended by many people may not work for you, it cannot work on multiple mobile devices at the same time, for example on a smartphone and tablet.
I don't understand why no one recommends Jami? It's the only messenger that works without a server at all. And yes, it has the ability to forward messages to itself (to use as a note) and works on any devices at the same time.
People will hate this, but WhatsApp is probably the second best and convenient to most people. (But if your friends are willing to get signal, do it.) In fact it was always better than telegram, there I said it.
Also there's many great note taking apps that have a sync feature. Joplin for one.
Honestly? For that limited use, there's really no need to switch.
However, if you're willing to do a little extra effort, Join, by joao apps can do what you're wanting. The notes is easy as pie. Sending files to your own devices is easy. Then you just need a different file sharing method for others.
It's not a 1:1 replacement, obviously, but sending files via email, or other methods, when it's only occasional isn't something that needs to be part of a messenger service that you aren't primarily using for messages in the first place. Keeping all your eggs in one basket isn't always as good.
I know that habit of using messenger app for notes :) Try [matrix] using Element or SchildiChat. It's e2eencrypted and federated, and even supports markdown formatting in messages. Also some Slack features are included. The only issue for non-techy person might be verifying sessions - just be sure to use the same client on all devices.
Jabber and XMPP aren't really alternatives as they are just protocols. They don't have a stable feature set and aren't necessarily encrypted by default.
Many Jabber clients do end-to-end encryption by default. I would not care too much in the age of #surveillance directly at the source, i.e. on the device 🤷
If you want an even more coherent feature set and also be sure, all your clients encrypt by default, your best bet is #Snikket by @snikket_im. Highly recommended!
Sorry for a bit of off-topic, but for a note taking app I suggest checking out Amplenote (there is a free plan for browser and mobile apps). I discovered it recently and it's quite a life changer for me. Proper tag system for notes is a killer feature.
I don't know their exact use case, but I use it a lot to save links. They can be saved very quick to the saved messages "chat".
However, recently I got a new phone and now the Matrix client is also opening quickly, instead of taking 10+ seconds, so I'll switch to sending them to a private room with me being the only participant.
But! I think Markor (from F-droid) also allows sharing arbitrary text to a file, so that could work too. A chat app may be better, though, because it records exact timestamps, and always records linksas a distinct message, so it may be more suitable for your own automated processing later.
If I want to share something with a friend, I can invite them to note chats or bulk forward files. Messages are separate, I can forward individual message rather than all messages. It's more continent than notes apps I've tried.