Super fun games to randomize, by the way. Generates whole new maps, item uses, weapons, souls, and enemy stats. I particularly love that it randomizes the dialogue as well.
That's awesome! I love SotN rando and Bloodstained RotN, too. I never thought to look for randomizers for the DS games. Dawn of Sorrow is such a classic!
I started Dawn of Sorrow on the Deck seems to be running perfectly. They replaced the magic seal touch screen garbage with a key combo, quick time event action instead which is an improvement. You are able to see both subscreens at once, the map and the status screen, depending on the view layout that you pick.
They replaced the magic seal touch screen garbage with a key combo
Why nowadays everyone hates DS gimmicks?
Is it the iPhone's fault? At that moment the DS gameplay was the shit.
Heck I would even say Metroid Prime Hunters Online was (and still is thanks to Wimmfi) one of the most fast paced shooters thanks to the touchscreen (easily the most fast paced one of the handhelds).
The DS is my favorite handheld since I got my hands on one, and I'll defend it until my grave.
Been wanting this for a long time. DS games are trickier to emulate well than single screen ones, making this collection of old games more worth it than usual.
I put the Saturn SotN (English translation) on my hacked switch via the Saturn emulator used for Cotton, since I'd never played that version. I don't usually replay games start to finish, but I must have done so with SotN around 7 times by now. Meanwhile, I don't think I've ever beaten any of the other 6 Igavanias.
SoTN is available on ps4 in a collection called Castlevania Requiem (with Rondo of Blood). It often goes on sale for 5 bucks or so. Though I understand the frustration of gamers without a ps4 or ps5.
Eh, I might buy it on sale since I already have the other Castlevania collections on Switch. They're convenient to play and I liked the portable games quite a bit. Ecclesia is probably my favorite in the series!
But yeah, also, emulating on Steamdeck would probably be better, but more work to set up and hunt down ROMs.
Speaking of Ecclasia, why did the DS have such great entries in several series? Days of Ruin is also my favorite Advance Wars game, and I feel like both were later games, darker in tone than previous, with actually good use of the touchscreen.