Am I the only one who thinks that 16 gb RAM or more is too much for a phone if it's not for playing or hard tasks in general ? I think it's better for a PC/Laptop though
4 0 ReplyProbably too much indeed, but I stick to very basic tasks on my phone
3 0 ReplyIn the context of LLM its not. Multitasking and performance would suffer for these use cases.
4 1 ReplyBecause we all needed LLMs on our phones.
I can't see anyone outside of a extreme power user wanting this. People are unlikely to care.
2 0 Reply
Thinking about buying a nexdock, when and if they ever release ChromeOS for Android.
If I bought one now, would my pixel 8p be totally useless
3 0 ReplyIt's probably going to be an a running rambling thing, but if one day a mid-range phone with a jack would release I would be so happy.
Currently happy with the Motorola G84, but they removed it from the G85, and Sony are way overpriced.
2 0 ReplyHTC just came out of nowhere and released a phone with headphone Jack, micro SD slot. I think it might be more premium but either way it was a surprise, seeing them release something after all these years.
4 0 ReplyInteresting, thanks!
Just had a look, too big for me (I prefer 160 mm high), but good to see one!
3 0 Reply
You could get the moondrop if it's available in your region.
3 1 ReplyInteresting, didn't know about this either!
Again, a bit too big for me, but goot do know they exist
3 0 Reply
Why on earth does the YouTube splash screen on mobile sometimes randomly turn white??? At 2am??
1 0 Reply