The head of Russia’s consumer protection watchdog said Monday that “traditional” values will help the country avoid an outbreak of the infectious viral disease mpox, which spreads through close physical and sexual contact.
The head of Russia’s consumer protection watchdog said Monday that “traditional” values will help the country avoid an outbreak of the infectious viral disease mpox, which spreads through close physical and sexual contact.
The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency last week as mpox, also known as monkeypox, continued to spread in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and elsewhere in Africa. The agency notes that the disease “primarily affect[s] men who have sex with men.”
“Considering the peculiarities of the ways it spreads, I’m absolutely sure that [mpox] is not dangerous or scary as an epidemic in Russia with its traditional values,” Anna Popova, who heads Rospotrebnadzor, told the Telegram news channel shot.
A total of three monkeypox cases were detected “over the entire past period,” Popova said without specifying which time period she meant. “We didn’t allow any of it to spread.”
LGBTQ+ rights in Russia have come under pressure over the past decade as officials railed against what they called the antithesis of Russian “traditional” values.
Last year, Russia’s Supreme Court designated the so-called “international LGBT public movement” as “extremist,” a move that essentially places all LGBTQ+ Russians at risk of criminal prosecution.
The thing I find most interesting is that the head of a "consumer protection watchdog" is making statements that should only be made by medical scientists... You know, virologists, doctors, etc?
In Russia, corporate removed puppet is also medical doctor!
its almost comical. i remember when the conservatives used god as their HIV shield until their secretly homosexual husbands brought it to them... then suddenly it was a 'disease that affects everyone'
Not to get too serious, but someone brought up the point regarding all these drone firework shows, usually in part created out of respect of veterans with PTSD. I really wonder if drone warfare will end up with the same effect. I really hope not, no one deserves that
There is scientific evidence of monkeypox spreading via aerosols, therefore claiming it's a "gay disease" is a grave mistake. It's the same mistake that was made with HIV.
Good news: since there are no gays in Russia (official government position), there is no HIV in Russia, since it's only transmitted by the gay sex (official government position).
(Excuse me while I wash the fingers I used to type that)