Like saltyiceteamaker said, US won't do jackshit about what Netanyahu doing regardless on who you vote, and even if they don't give them money, highly unlikely Netanyahu will just stop doing what he's doing.
However, for other issue within US or the one affect the world, it have different impact between this two. US is one of the biggest CO2 emission country, and also the world exporter of methane, for example.
Are you aware that the only way Israel is waging their war with guns and bombs is because of the US selling them the weapons? I'm sure Israel would still want to commit genocide without them but would find it much harder to do with literal sticks and stones.
israhell has been committing this genocide for almost a century unless someone willing to abolish isntreal is on its next vallot i dont see how ir***ls next election could change anything, certainly no previous election put a stop to the genocide.
If you vote for genocide you prove that like Biden you do not have any red lines.
Why do Democrats pretend to criticize Biden for letting Israel invade Rafah? They are voting for it in the end. You care as little about Palestinians as Biden.
You can obsessed with that issue all you want, i'm not even American and have no say on what your choice are, and i can give them all the attention i have it still won't change shit until Netanyahu step down.
My current biggest concern is climate crisis, which unsurprisingly affect basically everyone, including Palestinians. Guess which party call that a hoax, are actively destroying the planet, and guess which country are in the top 5 greenhouse gas emission.
Also lemme know if there's any party that share your opinion and concern.
I expect downvotes, but I figure thinking out loud about online discourse can be healthy to the general community and so I'm gonna do so.
The real issue here is not the fate of Gaza, I think. I believe that in reality, your failure is choosing not to be apart of the revolution that aims to dismantle the US government - the only way these groups view Gaza has any chance of being saved (by "this group" I'm referring to the condemners, who I suspect are Leninists and similar idealogues). Saying this openly is currently outside of the Overton window in the US still, since a majority Americans are uninterested in actually fighting and dying for a new system. Instead, they just imply it, or condemn stances that constrain to the status quo.
IMO, Such a revolution would need to happen within Israel for it to halt the genocide, and a revolution in US would fail to impact the Israeli government quickly enough to actually save Gaza.
Your individual likelihood of becoming fodder against police, and eventually the US military itself, is also ignored. The revolution itself is for the greater good of mankind in their eyes, and thus your life by itself is inconsequential.
Probably should be directly shutting down this call for joining the revolution rather than trying to appeal to reason - or explicitly state how you're participating.
Overall, I think that the holy week riots demonstrated how effective violent protest can be and that something like that happening again could be good for the US. I'm aware how extreme that statement will seem to some, but the fact that the fair housing act was passed in a week should really show just how effective that kind of violent action can be, and that we shouldn't rule it out.
At the same time though, I understand that many leftists currently are doing what they can to leverage the system to their advantage. This is not out of indoctrination, IMO, but because they have a respect for the lives of those immediately around them - they understand the alternative is sending a large portion of those around them to their die for a cause and they can't conscionably do that. I couldn't do that either, and I'm gonna respect how they're operating currently and try to help how I am able.
You're bringing in shit ton of topics in this statement. It's hard to figure out what's your intent for advocating this. In explicit terms, what exactly do you consider good for humanity? How do you feel about the impact of dismantling the US government? Do you really understand what exactly that would cause?
Why 3rd parties can’t run without spoiling the election?
They can and they are. People who don't vote third parties are voting for OPs picture; whether they think they're being smart by "playing the game" or not.
Work towards passing state level electoral reform in your state. Once more then two parties can be viable, competition will force the legacy political parties to actually attempt to represent people.
I doubt they'd be able to make that pivot. Representation in exchange for votes is a purity test neither will pass IMO.
Well thanks for that I guess. Voting Harris and protesting against the genocide still seem like the most effective combination of actions with my very minimal power.
No, they’re not the same. None of us are buying it.
The American empire is the American empire regardless of who is in charge. Let's get off our great-man theory high horse and actually analyze material conditions
Why is it so common that people assume if you don't like one candidate that automatically makes you a proponent of the other? Is it not possible for you to conceive that both candidates may be power-hungry human garbage?
They're centrists, scared centrists, who recognize that political in-fighting can result in a split vote letting the party with less votes take the election. However in addition to being humongous pricks about it (helping the in-fighting), they fail to recognize two very obvious facts:
Progressives don't have a candidate. In any party. You can't split the vote if there's no other option to split the vote with.
The popular vote doesn't matter. Hasn't mattered since the Republican party stole the election in 2000 (if it ever mattered in the first place). There's somewhere between 3-6 states where the popular vote, if you trust it to be recorded and reported accurately, can swing the election one way or another. In the other 44 states, the popular vote does. Not. Matter.
I love how Americans are unable to comprehend that people outside the US exist and that internal US politics aren't the top priority for the rest of the world. The burger empire is a plague upon the humanity regardless of which piece of human garbage is at the helm of it.
I love how Americans are unable to comprehend that people outside the US exist and that internal US politics aren't the top priority for the rest of the world.
Pretty rich given that you do nothing but post about US politics lol.
Now that can’t be, I received word from a liberal on this very platform that the US didn’t send them $24 billion in weapons, they actually only sent $20 billion therefore the genocide is back on the menu!
Sometimes I wonder if liberals even feel cognitive dissonance at being the same MAGA chuds they claim to hate so much.
Liberals delude themselves as being different simply because they "support" liberation politics but they are simply helpless against the system that forces them to support fascist policies
None of you dipshits have any solutions to anything. All you do is make noise. "Don't vote for the Dems" " Okay , then what?" crickets. Gaza getting fucked no matter what is literally just a reason to ignore the lot of you.