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  • Here are some classic SF going back a bit further than most of the comments co far.


    Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

    A Clockwork Orange (1971)

    Westworld (1973)

    Silent Running (1972)

    Logan's Run (1976) - Overpopulation (the end)

    Mad Max (1979)

    Capricorn One (1977) - The movie that started the moonlanding was fake conspiracy.

    Soylent Green (1973) - Overpopulation (the start)

    Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) - AI taking over the world.

    The Andromeda Strain (1971) - Pandemic

    Rollerball (1975)

    Sleeper (1973)

    Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)


    2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

    Barbarella (1968)

    Fahrenheit 451 (1966)

    Fantastic Voyage (1966)

    The Time Machine (1960)

    Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)

    Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969)


    The War of the Worlds (1953)

    When Worlds Collide (1951)

    The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

    Forbidden Planet (1956)

    Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) again bit I prefer the 70s remake.,

    Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957) The first so bad it is good movie.

    On the Beach (1959)

    Destination Moon (1950)

    • Some of my favorites on here. Plan 9 is great to watch back to back with Ed Wood.
      1953 War of the Worlds was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Those ships were super cool. FX hold up really well.
      Barbarella is over the top, but still fun to watch... and credited with the band Duran Duran getting it's name. :)
      1960 Time Machine was another one of my absolute favs as a kid... best Time Machine adaptation IMHO.

  • Also, if you count 20 year old movies as classic, I’d add Bicentennial man and Artificial intelligence, haven’t seen these mentioned yet.

  • One of my favorites that seems to get overlooked a lot lately is Contact.

    • "The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space."

      One of my favorite movies.

  • Golden Age (70s & 80s): Blade Runner, 2001, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Alien, Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country, E.T., Brazil, Lynch's Dune, Back to the Future, The Thing, They Live, Akira, Buckaroo Banzai, The Abyss

    90s Renaissance: Total Recall, 12 Monkeys, Contact, Fifth Element, Starship Troopers, Galaxy Quest, Truman Show, Dark City, The Matrix, Gattaca, π, Strange Days, T2, First Contact, Event Horizon, Jurassic Park

    • Some great picks. I always introduce people to Buckaroo Banzai if they haven't seen it. Love that end theme. :)

      I just rewatched several Dune movies. IDK if you've seen the latest release with Clement. It's a decent watch, enough so that I'll watch part 2 when it comes out. I love the sci-fi mini-series though.. "Frank Herbert's Dune" and "Children of Dune" they did.

  • Star Wars Ep 4

    Star Trek 4

    The Thing (1982)


    Terminator 2

    • I'll add Alien and Terminator 1 to that list. Whether you consider the first or second better in either franchise, there's no denying all four are excellent movies

      • Honestly, going back and rewatching them, all the Alien movies are pretty decent. 1 and 2 are the top tier though. The only thing I don't forgive is the intro premise to 3 which I won't list for spoiler reasons.

        It's a shame they never made any more Terminator movies after T2. T2 was so excellent. .and it was the last. Definitely. Take my word for it.

      • I just watched the original Alien the other day. I had forgotten how similar they made the ship from Prometheus to the ship in Alien. Wasted opportunity.

    • Star Trek 2-3-4 is the second best sci-fi trilogy starting with the word "Star".

  • Arrival
    The Martian
    Bladerunner (& 2049)
    Ex Machina

  • Kind of surprised I didn't see anyone mention Flash Gordon, from the early 80s. It's not a great movie, but it's highly entertaining and Queen did the soundtrack.

  • Lol at Zardoz being on anyone's "must see" list.

    • Haha I never said it was must see. I watched it last weekend and I'm looking for some ideas for this weekend.

      Edit. I guess I implied it was must see by saying "other must see movies". My apologies.