Viagra Boys - Punk Rock Loser [2022]
Viagra Boys - Punk Rock Loser [2022]
Just discovered this song this week and have been really enjoying it. Fun music video too.
Koopa_Khan They came to Minneapolis a few months ago and I didn’t take my friend’s advice to go see them. I regret it everyday
7 0 Replycrypticthree I flew from Dallas Texas to see them in a tiny bar in St. Paul in 2022. It was amazing.
5 0 ReplyShoePaste
Dude! I was there too! That show was nuts! Everyone crowd surfing. Someone gave Sebastian a J.
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3 0 ReplyKoopa_Khan Just talked to the wife, we’re grabbing tickets! Thanks for the tip!
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Dude, you missed out. They're so good live. My wife and i saw them at the Amsterdam in St. Paul last year and it was one of the craziest shows ive ever been too.
2 0 ReplyKoopa_Khan Hahaha I feel like there’s a story here
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crypticthree Shrimp!
6 0 Replylaivindil I met your mom down at the Shrimp Shack
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AlternateHuman02 Please check out Sports by the same band. Really captures my feelings when people start talking about sportsball Sports
4 0 Replylortikins Seconding that you need to see them live if it's at all possible. Saw them twice in 4 months and they were both phenomenal concerts
2 0 Replymikeburnsnz Great tune and video! I can't stop watching them play 'Research Chemicals' at Glastonbury this year. Recommended. Such a great band!
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