I've never seen anyone mention it, so I'll say the ending for Kyokai no Kanata (Beyond the Boundary). It's so good, and the way they lead into it at the end of the episode is great. Unfortunately you don't see that part in the linked video.
Recently, the ending for How Raeliana Ended Up in the Duke's Mansion. Again, the way they lead into it every episode is great. And the one episode where they changed the song got me super emotional unexpectedly.
Honorable mention: All of the Eureka Seven OP/EDs. I wouldn't quite say they're underrated, but since the show is almost 20 years old now I'm guessing a lot of people haven't seen them.
Susumu Hirasawa also did the OP and ED to Kon's Paprika and I haven't managed to find clips of him performing any of Paranoia Agent live, his live shows look like a trip with him performing with a laser controller
I hope anime discussions (in general) become more popular in Lemmy. It's hard to start topics as someone who mostly watches old stuff but it's nice to know there are people interested in these around here!
Not really sure what qualifies as underrated/overrated,.. BUT in terms of things I can find on YouTube and general sense of amount of discussion I've seen,.. I think the OPs get more attention than the EDs of these series when I've tended to like the EDs better
Gundam IBO S1's ED feels James Bondy with the swung feel and the strings (incidentally Aria the Origination's OP Spirale, also great, kinda feels James Bondy to me but more for the chromaticism,.. ANYWAYS)
and yeah, this was a stacked season (with competition like Bocchi the Rock) but I think my favorite ED of that season was Do It Yourself's ED because of its ultimate comf (kinda gives me the same feel as Nichijou's first ED)
Absolutely. It's a shame the first season's pacing was such a mess, I'd imagine many people who dropped it or decided to skip the second season due to it would have enjoyed it immensely more than the first one.
People who didn't like the first season's pacing probably have had their attention spans whittled down to nothing. I loved the first season. Iwanaga is such a great protagonist and I loved the themes explored in her battles against the main antagonist and in her attempts to solve the other cases.
Asobi Asobase OP: What the girls think they are
Asobi Asobase ED: What they really are
Anyway, I agree with you. The KonoSuba EDs in general are too underrated. Like hell, everyone remembers the iconic Kimi to mita sekai from the first OP ("fantastic dreamer") and the opening beat from the second OP ("Tomorrow"), but they seem to forget the calm EDs.
Yeah, the second ED is very good too, and even the ED of the Megumin anime was that kind of ED that really grew on me, but, for me at least, the first ED was that kind of ED that just couldn't be surpassed, like Clannad's dango ending!
I love how Asobi Asobase flips the "hype OP/calm ED" trope around, and it fits like a glove. Every episode starts calm and normal like the OP, but then it slowly slips further into pure insanity and by the time the episode ends, the ED fits the mood perfectly haha.
Because it amuses me to throw in something really obscure: "Genesis—to the Traveler who Wanders in 'Zero'", the OP from the first part of Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, an OAV that no one remembers.
I'd like more people to talk about many aspects mushishi since I think it should be considered an all-time classic. Sore Feet Song is one of the few that stuck with me for nearly a decade now.
Oh I know one. The ED from Stella no Mahou. Stella no mahou is a fairly mediocre show that you may or may not decide to watch at all, and even if you did, you probably forgot all about it once the season ends. The ED is great though, it's electronic house(might be wrong) music, rather than a standard anisong. If you're after some EDM anisong, it won't disappoint.