If you would date me is it because of my tits or my face?
If you would date me is it because of my tits or my face?
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juice702 @lemmy.world Yes
7 0 ReplyBatman @lemmings.world #1. Because you are sexy #2. Because of your tits #3. Because of your face #4. Because I want to fuck you #5. Because why not... 🤪
4 0 Replydeezcashews @lemmynsfw.com I'm more of an ass guy so face for sure, but those boobies are real nice too!
2 0 Replynotatloss @lemmynsfw.com Do I... have to answer right away? Tough question for sure. Or is it a hard one? 🤔
1 0 ReplyBob71 @lemmynsfw.com 1 0 ReplySirSoy @lemmy.world 100% tits but I'd stay for that face
1 0 ReplyelFlexor @lemmy.world You mean despite
1 0 Reply
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