but how did he manage to keep the right temperature, salinity, oxygen, luminosity, and nutriments suited for each kind of fish?
Surely he was a master engineer and aquarist.
Is it more probable that nature should go out of her course or that a man should tell a lie? We have never seen, in our time, nature go out of her course. But we have good reason to believe that millions of lies have been told in the same time. It is therefore at least millions to one that the reporter of a miracle tells a lie.
You gotta remember that in those very ancient times of the flood myths (other cultures and religions in the region have flood myths)
The "world" wasn't the entire planet as we know it now. What they meant was their known world, or the Mediterranean and North African coast.
So it's very likely that a massive flood maybe caused by an ice age thaw, caused the Mediterranean and ancient coastlines, where humans settled, to flood and destroy all their homes.
I don't think so, but you can never say it's isn't possible that some guy built a barge and put his family, livestock, etc. On it and they survived the floods and thought they were the only ones
There might have been a flood at some point where some people survived on a boat, but the noah story isn't based on any such event, it's just plagiarized from the epic of gilgamesh
Maybe that story was based on a true event, but it wouldn't involve someone named noah
I've seen pretty strong evidence that the Mediterranean Sea used to not be a sea, and that the flood was the land bridge holding back the ocean failing and allowing the sea to form
The great flood is actually something that likely happened in some capacity. Iirc multiple religions from the area have a great flood myth around that time, as well as there being archeological evidence that some massive flooding in the area occurred around that time.
The great flood is actually something that likely happened in some capacity.
Large regional floods are common to civilizations in and around big bodies of water. There is no archeological evidence to suggest one big global flood, but plenty of historical accounts of large flooding events that deluged the major population centers of nation states. We even have a few cities submerged within the Mediterranean and off the coast of East Asia and the Caribbean.
As a once-in-a-century event that has enormous implications on the lives and livelihoods of large populations, is it really that crazy to believe they'd develop a shared mythology around the event? We have all sorts of shared myths about thunder storms and constellation patterns and growing seasons and wars. Why not floods?
All water was the same back then. After the Flood the fish that got scattered into different types of waters began to do speed runs in evolution for a few thousand years, and then slowed down.
It's like how a massive flood back then would lay down layers of similar sediments, even alter some to look like they got overrun by other layers, but that kind of physics doesn't happen anymore so no one can prove it.
Only micro-evolution! Macro-evolution, or evolution between kinds, is obviously impossible.
What is a kind? Whatever kind of grouping that keeps similar looking animals together (like lions and tigers, or rats and mice) but separates Man from monkey, no matter how similar evilutionists claim us to be!
I just discovered my puppy (about nine months) destroyed my winter slippers, so right now I'm extra cynical.
Ask Christians to what function God created the screwfly ( Cochliomyia hominivorax ), and if Noah willfully preserved screwfly specimens.
The screwfly maggot burrows into live mammals, and is the cause of myiasis or flystrike. The treatment for it is to cut the larvae out, which is extremely painful, but then so is having a screwworm eating you alive.
So hated is this critter that our scientists have actually considered if wiping them out would be too detrimental to too many ecologies, and as it is we produce neutered flies released in Panama to prevent them from getting too far into the US. Our scientific sector sometimes suggests we should totally finish the job. The screwfly is enemy to all mammal life including human beings.
The screwfly is mostly tropical but can survive far from the equator.
Ask them what lesson the screwfly was meant to teach, or what mystery it holds.
Enough fresh water just dropped on to the ocean to raise its level by a mile or two.
Are we saying that would all instantly mix? Because that seems unlikely. Isn't it reasonable (in universe) to conclude salt water stayed largely at the bottom and freshwater stayed largely at the top? And the fish survived in their respective parts?