How are you different from the stereotypical "average person" in your country?
Feel free to define "average" how you see fit. This isn't about debating what is average person. Comparisons to the averages in your age / friend group are fine too.
I monitor my personal finances carefully and try living well below my means
I have effectively no social media presence
I do childish things when out in the woods by myself such as play with puddles, make streams and larp a soldier with my outfits / gear
My wardrobe is a bunch of near identical clothes. I basically wear the same thing every day. When I need a clean shirt I grab the one from the top of the pile.
I eat once in the morning and again around 10pm. I also skip dinner a few times a week because I can't be bothered to cook
I leave most of my lawn uncut. From the street my house looks abandoned.
I carry a folding knife with me always
I intentionally avoid trends
I don't lie, not even white lies. I might not speak the whole truth but I never say something that's untrue.
I haven't posted anything to my personal social media accounts in half a decade.
Similarly, with the popularity of short form video booming, I basically don't consume any of it and instead find myself watching 1h+ video essays about some old piece of equipment from 40 years ago.
I'm a lot more left-wing than most people I talk to.
I'm tall enough to bang my head on some door frames.
If you've not come across them here are some of my favourite creators in that category, in no particular order: LGR, 8-bit guy, cathode ray dude, techmoan, technology connections, nostalgia nerd
When I was growing up, one of the first questions someone would ask a kid was what team they supported, and not even if they liked football in the first place. So I guess I was in a big minority there.
I'm taller. I'm a man in a female-dominated field (and was in my previous career, as well). I don't own a car and have no interest in doing so. I know a dead language. I eat beans for breakfast. I don't drink coffee.
If you mean my country of birth, it's actually a bit difficult since I've been twice in the last ten years and this and some YouTube vids are my only real media consumption. If you mean where I live now, I'm definitely fatter, hairier, and tatooed-ier than the average person. My japanese is definitely a bit worse.
I grew up in two different countries. Eventually moved back to the one with better healthcare since I'm dealing with a few old injuries. Over here, people tend to be somewhat distant and I'm quite the opposite. Always chatty, always outgoing.
Indifferent to sports. Football, baseball, and basketball are at best insipid. Hockey is at least somewhat interesting, but that's only because my youngest plays. Even then, I do not follow it.
Don't care about guns. Yes, I can shoot. It pissed my right-wingnut, Kyle Shittenhouse worshiping brother off to no end, when I could out shoot him, with his own guns. Did I mention he has 6 years in the Army and practiced with his weapons at least once a week? It took me maybe 10 shots of practice to start being more accurate. My vision is worse than his too. Still have no interest in owning one. I keep a Claymore next to my bed for social occasions at home.
No credit debt. No drug/alc addictions.. Can run 20k+ without stopping. Care about my digital privacy. Never put so much as a scratch on a single vehicle in my life (including forklifts and non-road vehicles). Know how to sail. Couldn't care less about team sports.
Incremental training. I started with Couch-to-5K. Highly recommend. Once you complete that program, increment weekly distance by no more than 10% per week until you reach your goal.
I can bench press 300+ pounds (136 kg for the exceedingly rude Europeans in the thread), which puts me in the top 1% of men strength-wise not only in my country, but worldwide.
I have 3 kids more than average, plus a handful of step kids. 6 inches taller than average woman in my country. Probably more politically progressive, but that's hard to judge here, with all the gerrymandering and not everyone voting. Apparently also much more tolerant of spicy food than the average, at least according to people who claim to be average.
I hate sitting in the sun, which is the opposite of most of the country. The heat and light make me feel super annoyed and uncomfortable.
In contrast, most of the people here are sun worshippers. Sitting outside in direct sunlight as much as possible.
I'm the type of person who gives money back to a cashier when they make a mistake by incorrectly giving me more money, that's very rare in the country where I was born.