As Trump and Harris call to end tip taxes, a wider minimum wage war heats up
As Trump and Harris call to end tip taxes, a wider minimum wage war heats up
Growing bipartisan support for the idea obscures a long-running push to raise base pay that service workers see as more critical to their livelihoods.

xmunk It is, honestly, a fucking terrible idea - I understand that servers are struggling but this is the worst way to fix it.
33 0 Replyreturn2ozma OP
What's the better way to fix it?
14 6 Replydiybone If you are serious... Pay them a regular living wage... Remove the whole caveat that waiting staff is somehow different from any other job.
56 0 Replymegabat Eliminate the submiminum wage mentioned in the article, then increase the minimum wage to something you can live on
24 0 Reply
RangerJosie If a job needs doing. It needs a living wage to be paid for.
No matter how much Wall St wishes it so, we are not slaves. If you want the work done, fucking pay for it. Or go out of business.
26 0 ReplyEtterra I'll say this again for the mouth breathing politicians in the back.
Stop making the minimum wage a flat value; base it off of a calculation that's recalculated quarterly, calibrated to account for inflation, poverty levels, and cost of living on a per-County basis. Then make sure that nobody fucks with the equation.
10 0 ReplyJackbyDev
B- b- b- then they want be able to use the promise of increases to gain political favor!
5 1 Reply
Mr_Blott get ...taxed on tips?!?!
Hahaha 😂 Fucking unreal
6 1 ReplyItsamelemmy Hey, the government has to run somehow and since the 1% aren't paying their fair share it falls on us poors.
5 0 ReplyManifish_Destiny They'd take my blood if they could get away with it.
2 0 Replysunzu2 Are you breezing this air, are you still enjoying this sun....
1 0 Reply
fruitycoder Can't wait to see more jobs become tip based /s Nurses based on tips, doctors, ems, firefighters? Why not?
Its the most economical decision for them on their taxes...
3 0 Reply