Cut out tea, nuts, potatoes, chocolate, whole grains, carrots, spinach, and everything else. Keep my sodium around 1500mg/day
I still form them prolifically
I had a 2cm stone back in March that they tried blasting and ended up getting chunks of the stone stuck between the stent and the wall of my ureter. After keeping the stent in for 3 months my urologist gave up and another one picked me up. When he went in to laser the stones, he had to laser chunks that had adhered to the stent before he could get it out
They shockwaved my other side last month and got the newer stent out and had my follow up today and there's two more little ones on the left side already forming up
Usually less than 100g a day for protein. I stay as far away from oxalates as possible I would be surprised if I have 10mg/day. I know 40mg/day is considered low oxalate.
Odd recommendation from a friend’s doctor after said friend passed a stone: drink a beer a day. He said lemons helped (lemonade, lemons in tea) but the beer was 100% from what the doc had seen. And no, I don’t know why or what kind.
My doctor usually prescribes Oxycodone when I have a stone/stones, but I'm just not an opiate guy. It makes me feel more sweaty and nauseous and despair. There is a prescription NSAID called Ketorlac that works much better for this kind of thing in my opinion. One of the effects of long term use is kidney damage, so you need to take enough but not too much for too long. FYI if you're looking for something to think about next time you get one.
I also found a wireless TENS unit called a Hollywog that just sticks to your back. It's a little plate and doesn't have any external wires. It hangs on by the electrode pads and you control it with a phone app over Bluetooth. This thing is great to use while your back is winding and wringing and you are stuck in a reloading agony loop. It kind of helps make it possible to focus on something for a minute without being distracted by the pain.
Nah my kidneys are just fucked actually, they don't process calcium good so a lot of it just sits around until I piss it out. I take meds but they only help so much