I remember a time where you would get multiple results from a search with no scrolling
The poll stopped me in my tracks but it's actually even worse.
It should not take this long to get to imdb
Edit2: didn't even realize it thinks I'll "love it" based on things I look up. I don't think I'd like it.
Edit³: IMDb was the example I used without thinking. I'm aware that there's a link to it in the top card. It's the other web results that I don't already know about that I'd like to see. I now know there's a hidden "web" tab. There's also https://www.google.com/search?udm=14&q=example` but it's still mildly infuriating that you have to know about these things to get the basic results we expected for years.
Damn. I switched to DDG like well over a year ago and thought I was just kind of putting up with it for the sake of privacy. Turns out I didn't know how good I have it
I just wish DDG would finally kill their Apple Maps. Over here they're so incredibly unusable it's just not funny any more. I'll take here maps before that POS.
It's so bad that on desktop, you can't even go and click on alternative elements on the map without explicitly changing your search terms to them. You see them, but they're non-interactive. So the incredibly common case "I remember the name of the restaurant next to this place" (or something similar) cannot be done on DDG, on account of getting Apple money to include their maps.
DDG is moving into the same direction. I had to use ublock to hide the news block that appears when I'm searching for a movie/show in order to avoid spoilers.
In fact this was one of the key features lauded about DDG in its early days, the "instant result"-boxes.
Google kinda only went hard on them afterwards, probably seeing a good idea over at DDG because for the vast majority of people, they're looking for answers and results, not specifically objects of type link-to-search-result. They don't need a list of links, so long as the information they were after is reliably in those generated cards.
See OP wanting an IMDB link, which is directly there as Google correctly assumed that's a very very very common use case for googling the name of a movie.
I know this won't be the answer people want, but to be perfectly frank if I know I want the IMDb page for a movie, I put IMDb in the query. It will put the page you want right at the top, none of that extra shit, and it will even probably predict what you're typing before you finish.
imdb wasn't really the point, that's on me, I could have also just tapped imdb on the card at the very top. It's the other sites that I don't know to search for that I would like to see promoted
Don't worry, Google is actually getting sued for its various malpractices (paying browsers millions to be their default search engine, Google adsense putting the best bidder at the top of the search results, etc).
It might even come to the US justice system ordering the breakup of various Google products into smaller independent companies.
It's not the individual contributors writing the website that are making these decisions, it's people in $1000 suits, sitting on the 44th floor of a Manhattan skyrise asking "how do we make red line go up?".
It was too good and offered no financial incentive for them to continue with it. It's better if users scroll endlessly looking for the information that used to simply be available instantly.
You'd think that if you knew the answer to the poll question, you wouldn't have Googled the title of the movie. I just don't understand the thought process that led to this happening.
Yeah I usually like the Google boxes in search results, but this is so excessive. Everything after and including the polls is just completely unnecessary
It sucks, yes. But, if you select the “web” tab instead of the “all” tab at the top of the page, you’ll get something more akin to what you’re looking for. There’s probably even a way to script it so that it defaults to that view.
They exist only so you stay on Google’s page and don’t follow a link to another site.
That may be true, but I'd say in the neighborhood of 1/3 - 1/2 of my searches are answered by auto-compiled info cards or similar artifacts.
Just by way of example, my wife and I were casually researching cars lately, and one of the criteria is "does the damn thing fit in our garage??" Typing "Mazda CX-9 length" and having that specific info presented immediately is immensely preferable to clicking into edmonds.com and scrolling through an entire table of specifications.
Man, I hate people like you, because I am constantly reminded of how I really need to get round to checking out Searx, but I never get round to it.
(I am joking, because the only person who is putting pressure on me about this is me, and that's because finding time to do this is something I want to do. Thank you for reminding me, even if I will keep procrastinating)
I havent used google as my search engine for a year now, I use duckduckgo instead, and it has been very few times where I have longed for (old) google.
all of us 'you cant keep relying on corporations, they will betray you, every single corporate product you consume is basically the one ring' open source nerds get to say the MOST satisfying "I told you so"'s. nobody cares, of course, you'll all keep using this shit, but it feels SO good.
I continue to be one of the happiest customers for Kagi, a service that I am so happy to pay (for my family as well).
To be clear, there are some widgets that might be useful in some cases, but it should not be all you see (and it should definitely not include similar stuff as if the focus for any search is just to find more stuff to consume and please advertisers...).
People that say they can't see themselves paying for Search underestimate the value of clean high quality search results.
I'm a business owner and developer of firmware for esoteric products. I need high quality, powerful searches that don't waste my time. Kagi is great for that. I created lenses on Kagi that I can use to focus my searches, a great time saver for me.
100% agree. I've been using Kagi for a bit over a month now and I love it. My one and only complaint is business hours can be harder to find - I have to actually click into their website for it. That's it though! Everything else is dramatically less painful in my opinion. I don't need business hours frequently enough for it to matter though, and if needed I can use Google for that one thing.
I am not a fan of some of his ideas either, especially the ones tending towards libertarianism. Some other ideas instead are quite decent, like how he thinks companies should give back to the community. He also built a tech company without VC funding and with a good share of ownership for workers (which I think is nice), without any marketing (which I despise as industry) and generally without the predatory nature that 98% of tech companies have nowadays.
I am sure you are referring to the Brave debacle of months back, and FWIW, I agree with his position on that particular issue.
Anyway, considering that I have no ideas about the positions for the CEOs/founders of the alternatives, I think it's still a very worthy compromise to have a good product (incl. nonfunctional qualities like privacy, ecological impact etc.).
It's on github.com/flashgnash/material-monokai if you want to have a look. It's a bit rough around the edges and I've yet to find a way to properly source control it as stylus doesn't seem to save it to a file anywhere
I at some point intend to split out the theme and the anti annoyance CSS into two different themes as the theme makes some pretty drastic changes
This is why I use a search proxy. Still get Google results but with all the crap stripped away. Plus I can write custom search options so if I go ! imdb rise of the planet of the apes it will do the search and just take me to the first result
The generated abstract includes the commonly needed links - including the IMDB you want and Rotten Tomatoes that I frequently want - and the very first result after that is Wikipedia for when you need that.
It's like the best abstraction so you don't have to wade through results, correctly understanding that if you search by just the title, you probably want information of through-links to common information/review sites.