Hundreds of protesters stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad in the early hours of Thursday morning and set it on fire, a source familiar with the matter and a Reuters witness said, in a protest against the…
Hundreds of protesters stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad in the early hours of Thursday morning and set it on fire, a source familiar with the matter and a Reuters witness said, in a protest against the expected burning of a Koran in Sweden.
that’s such an interesting take on religious people forcing their beliefs on others: so what if they sin? Let your god take care of it, or do you think he’s too incompetent to deal with it himself?
People protest a lot of stuff in Iraq. Just nobody cares about what the Iraqi public thinks.
After the removal of the Iraqi government and army in the Iraq war, Iraq has essentially become a failed state run by Iranian mafias and tribal militias. There is literally nothing useful to do in Iraq.
removal is a nice euphemism for a foreign invasion and installation of a government hostile to most of the people during a decade of occupation and ressource exploitation.
It would be hilarious if there was a Koran inside the embassy, causing the protestors to do the very thing they violently protested against. Are they then going to set themselves on fire in an act of self hatred and remorse?
Why would you need an anti-something for a book burning? I didn't know about this book burning event, but this had one purpose from the beginning and they fell for it. They want to show the "religion of peace" is not so peaceful so it works wonders, that's what they are trying to stir and to bring it into conversation.
If no muslim reacted aggressively or even responded to this, there wouldn't be a second book burning. And the person doing this would be labeled crazy or something like that buuuut religious people are so easy to trigger so yeah.
Many Muslims don't give a shit. Provoking poor uneducated people from war-torn countries unsuprisingly does not give you cozy wholesome responses.
It is naive to believe that a Quran burning is simply a "social experiment". People who passionately support the book burning are obviously hating Muslims passionately as well.
I’m a little conflicted on it, I feel like both are in the wrong, though the Iraqi Muslims obviously took it way too far. Books are only being burned because it’ll have a reaction, otherwise it’s just mean-spirited that they’re trying to disrespect someone else’s beliefs. Muslims on the other hand shouldn’t be so predictable that they fall right into it and burning an embassy is just a tad bit of an overreaction. Muslims themselves even have a procedure for burning Qurans, so it’s not like they don’t do it themselves. Granted, the intent is different, but whatever, can they just stop being religious zealots?
Book burning is what fascists do and "just ignore them" is not the way to go about it. If the book burning wouldnt start a response next thing they'd burn a mosque and if that fails they'll just straight up murder people to incite a reaction.
Anti-Nazi? The guy who burned it today and earlier this summer is literary a former iraqi muslim. He's not really the nazi type, those are more clownlike.
We Middle Easterners can be way more racist and nationalistic than some drunk skinhead losers in Europe. That guy seems to be the type that browses r/AskMiddleEast or r/exmuslim. Maybe some guy from a broken family, daddy issues or whatever, I am not his psychotherapist lol. Fact is tho, that Nazis use this story as validation and that his supporters are mostly fascists as well.
Burning a Quran shouldn’t be a part of a peaceful protest
Why not?
We in the west allow all sorts of offensive messages in protests. What we don't allow, and this is where the anti Nazi laws come in, are hostile messages, which is anything that instills and encourages hostility towards a group of people.
Burning a copy of a religious holy book is a frankly profane and offensive way of rejecting the ideas in that religion, but it is not, by itself, an encouragement to do harm to those that follow the religion.
There is a difference between burning a Quran saying 'Sharia law has no place in Sweden', and doing the same saying 'Muslims have no place in Sweden'
Some people do see things like bible burnings as a way of making a threat that those who believe in it are next similar to cross burning being used as a threat against black people regardless of the stated intent (people lie btw). I don't think the law should pander to the false persecution fetishes people have, but unlike 10s of millions of white Christian men in America, Iraqi people have a good reason to be distrustful. Still don't think it should be illegal, but I'm also not going to be quick to dismiss their fears when 100s of thousands (maybe millions) of civilians in Iraq have been murdered in the last two decades, largely allowed because of racism and islamophobia.