"You see, ayys have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down. Bradford, show them the medal I won."
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !xcom@lemmy.world)
I played Xcom: Enemy Unknown, and when I got to a tough terror mission with those god damn chryssalids, I lost so hard I convinced myself it was a mission you were meant to fail...
I played the hell out of xcom: eu and xcom2 (with all the expansions). At a point I realized I'll have to scumsave my way to the ending, and so I did.
Honestly I had a better time than just having to restart the campaign because my prime team just got annihilated by a chosen, as going whith all grunts mid-campaign was like being a fan of the NY Jets.
That's the one. I didn't see another XCOM community on Lemmy yet, so I made this one a couple of weeks ago. It was one of my favorite subs back on reddit, so I'm hoping we can get one started here too.
My favorite XCOM 2 mods basically make the game a Star Wars rebellion game.
It's actually really fun to have a bunch of clone rebels taking the fight to the empire. Or it was. I buggered something so all I have working now are the armories, so it's more a bunch of clone troopers are helping the resistance against the aliens. Still fun.
I stopped playing XCOM 1. I had a squad of heavies in mech suits and everything. My perfect team for this mission. A bug hunt in newfoundland. Something about chrysalids in a whaling town. Everyone still died. I managed to get one guy out, everyone else died ammo spent and brass bloody. But it's the one level I can't bring myself to try again
XCOM 1 was my introduction to the series, and those damned chryssalids nearly broke me.
I used a clone trooper mod for one run, and it was lots of fun. The only drawback was that I couldn't remember who was who, since they all looked the same.
I like the Firaxis XCOM games because I can actually win.
However, the fact I do win also disappoints me. The originals have an unbeatable sense of hopelessness that if I do ever win, it will feel so much better. Kind of the same with Nethack. I've played easier roguelikes and won; but I have never beaten Nethack without cheating. If I ever manage to beat that legit, I'd absolutely lose my mind with feel good brain juice.
That's impressive. I still haven't been able to beat legendary ironman on XCOM 2.
I'd like to get into the old ones, but the UI is really dated and I'm having trouble figuring out what I need to do. Maybe I need to watch a short video or something.
That's the XCOM experience! I love that it feels like a long drawn out war, where you can lose missions and territory, but sometimes still turn it around and win long term.
RimWorld sans mods is a great story teller:
My play allowed me to build a big colony within a mountain like in dwarf fortress, then I woke up an ancient terror like in df, but something unexpected happened when two of the remaining settlers, a kid and an old lady where able to escape.
I got them to escape the map, then resettle with almost impossible odds, with just the shirts on their backs, no food, tools nor weapons and the kid's just a kid.
Fast forward some odd 20 hours, their tribe was able to come back and re-take the base.
I’ve been really into watching classic xcom and open xcom extended on Twitch and YouTube these last few months. Love the vibe of the streamers and depth of the game!