You really love to see yet another unsuspecting victim accidentally invoke the wrath of tree law. Really makes that old episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force (S1E2) hit different. Ain't no joke!
For real. These trees represent decades of investment by the city to provide essential services (shade, clean air, etc.) that has now been permanently damaged by these fuckheads. And their “justification” is the most dishonest and despicable part. As an arborist I can tell you that no reputable arborist would trim these trees this way. Ignoring the legality, trimming them this way makes them more dangerous, not less, and any arborist should know that. Shame on them.
My wife is a (seasonal) arborist, when I saw the news yesterday I decided not to show it to her because she already struggles with how people treat trees and this would just leave her angry.
Even I, a layperson, saw the job that was done and thought to myself "holy shot they mutilated those trees".
I posted this elsewhere, but according to a quick Google it's up to $18k per tree and from the images I found, it's 5 trees. $90k is couch cushion money to Universal. They DGAF about fines.