Politicians have nothing to fear if they have nothing to hide
There are many corrupt people in the government, both elected politicians and unelected officials. Many are p#do***les, other launder money, some rig elections, while others surveil and harass innocent people.
To protect our Parliament, and Constitution, all these politicians and their families should come under public scrutiny. All their financial records, their communications, their online search histories, should be in the public domain.
In other words, we need parity of privacy between the State and its People.
This sounds hair-brained and extreme, but the public is already under intensive surveillance. I think experience needs to be felt by the officials as well so they finally begin to value the fundamental right to privacy.
The more power a person has, the less privacy we cann afford to give them.
I heard once that in Norway, all members of parliament have to basically make most of their finances public (somebody confirm pls). I think anybody who is tasked with ruling a country should be required to show all their wealth assets and income sources for a few years even after they leave office.
Most democratic countries have what's known as a "Sworn Declaration". This is supposed to be a financial audit for anyone aspiring to a public office position.
In my country these are doctored and then some. Our next to last president used to work as a packer at a "bodega" in New York, but his sworn declaration put him at a net worth of over 100 million dollars.
if you want to address the root cause of surveillance you should be demanding the government to change it's ways ? Is that what you're saying ?
I don't think it's the lack of transparency or corruption by the government, I think that the very existence of a government ( a centralized authority ) leads to this sort of behavior, you can't outsource your power to choose, some of your absolute liberty to a ruler and expect they won't abuse it, you can't have your cake and eat it with this system, a system where democracies act as Dictatorships, and sometimes they do it openly and all you can do is watch
It's funny you you say that, because we humans as a species are so fascinating, we harnessed many forces of natue, and we came up with mindblowing ideas, yet when it comes to the concept of a government, we think that's the only system that can work, and the only way that we can live, it's sad honestly, governments abuse their power, you can't get them to stop it... unless you want a bullet...so so much for being civil