This is the first comic that expresses why I rage quit so many games with overly difficult boss fights ( if there's any delay measured in more than microseconds between retries ).
I played (and still do) the original one hit kill arcade bullshit. Hell, I beat Alladin on SNES. I'm not allergic to a challenge.
But, today, I have no time to repeat anything that isn't fun in a video game. I could be filling out tax forms with that time.
Edit: Rogue Legacy 2 is so good at this. It has deeply adjustable difficultly, short boss intros, and a fast forward function for when even the short intro is too long.
Bro, for real. I just want to practice phase two Radahn with my build, but it's such a slog just to get him there and then survive long enough to figure out the moveset.
This is a big reason I farmed hard in Elden Ring and have 356 hours. I spent a lot of that time leveling my health up so I can take more damage. Level 156 and my health bar is like half the width of my TV lmao.
Delayed attacks as a form of increasing difficult are just extremely unfun. Yeah, you made the boss harder, you also made it extremely frustrating, congratz.
It's literally helping you actually learn to dodge perfectly instead of just spamming it and getting lucky. Like instead of rolling when they do the back swing, you now have to actually wait for them to swing their attack.
If this was the first game like this you played, it wouldn't even be that much harder to learn. It's actually harder having played all the games prior to Elden Ring that conditioned you to dodge on the back swing.
It’s usually not a matter of just waiting - it’s a matter of memorizing. I get the impression if the AI bosses could manually set different delays on their swings after winding up each time, they would literally be impossible.
That's my biggest problem with FromSoft games. They are not challenging, they're just slow HP sponges that can one-shot you. That is not challenging, it's just unfair, and frankly boring.
I think the game would be funner even with the simple tweak of making the animations faster. No fighter EVER wins IRL by telegraphing their attacks for three seconds.
The base game was way more accessible than any other Soulslike which pulled in way more players than any other soulslike and now all the players that got used to the base game are mad that the DLC is as hard as any soulslike ever has been.
I think it's hilarious seeing all the players half the item descriptions in the game make fun of.
All the souls dlcs have been much harder than the base games. Artorias, fume knight, ludwig and gael all stomped me until i changed up tactics. The dlcs have always been aimed at late/post game characters.
That makes sense to me. DLCs come after you finished the rest so of course difficulty has to rise. It's the same in all games with an escalating difficulty and force balance I would think. Doom Eternal does the same.
Wish cheat codes were still a thing. Sometimes I just need a little help getting past one part but don't have time to grind it out like I would have before.
People refuse to collect fragments, refuse to use better weapons they refuse to buff or use summons AND then act like little removedbabies. Nooo i want to beat it MY way. And by my way they mean naked with a stick, because they see streamers do it. This literally doesn't happen in any other game. Factorio is way too hard, and no, i won't use conveyor belts. Destiny 2 is IMPOSSIBLE to beat with my 600 light level, what a bad game. DOOM is way too hard, why is everything such a bullet sponge, they need to buff the starter pistol. Ugh, this 6 man wow raid is too hard to do by myself, i think i'll sue blizzard.
Incoming flood of posts about Assassin’s Creed, Redfall, Gollum, and Skull and Bones. Remember what you said - if you don’t like the game, stay silent!