It’s not dumbness, it’s cravenness. He’s saying things he thinks MAGA-bros like to hear. “Yeah brother, high-five! Burn those libs!”
Also the subtext here is that Jeff Bridges isn’t manly. I don’t think there’s a cure for that level of delusion.
I was talking with some scientists who told me that a mere touch on the hand from Jeff Bridges not only impregnates a woman, but also transitions her into a man.
I wake up each morning hairless, then I look into the mirror and speak the name Jeff Bridges three times. Instantly I’m transformed into a kind of human carpet covered from head to toe in three whole feet of man fur.
That was basically my reaction reading this. I was like “okay, I’m not posting this one, it’s obviously exaggerated… actually, it’s not exaggerated at all”
I didn't know I was trans (from voting for Gretchen Whitmer) but I really don't want to go to the SoS to have the gender on my license changed. I suppose while I'm at it I'll go ahead and become black, since that's apparently a thing we can do now, and I'm not making two fucking trips.
I'm not sure of how MAGA rules work, but I think you can only become black if you have an Indian mother, because Obama has a white mother but he didn't become black.
Can confirm, I can’t stop my feminization, my wife can’t bake so I make all the tradwife things like cakes and muffins. She also hates painting her nails and we can’t afford regular manicures, so I’ve become very good at trimming and painting nails.
On the other hand, I’m a tradey and taught my wife how to do basic home repairs and upgrades, so I haven’t touched my tools in months because she just does it while I’m away because “I shouldn’t have to work too much at home”
It’s almost like people are just people and will do what they need to do regardless of if it’s gendered or not.
This whole feminization thing is stupid. Men have done stereotypical feminine things for thousands of year, and women have done masculine things for just as long. It used to be taboo a century ago for women to wear pants, now no one bats an eye. It’s been a running joke that men can’t cook for decades, even though now all of my male friends, single, dating, or married, are all very proficient cooks and often cook more than their wives.
The people obsessed with gender are insane. How someone acts in their own life should be no concern of anyone else.
Im guessing they see it as voting for a woman is submissive because you're acknowledging that a woman has more power than you, whereas marrying a woman means the man has power over the woman.
It’s also very likely that Kamala Harris has voted for men in the past, meaning she would have transitioned to man by now negating the risk of male voters turning into women.
(why have I had to comment this on news articles about conservatives twice recently, this is getting weird)
One thing I've noticed happens a lot is that, in trying to demonize them as socialist boogeymen, conservatives often make Democrats seem way cooler than they actually are.
By the way, if you want to mix it up, here's a similar meme you could comment:
Ok. So don't vote for Majorie Tyalor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Joni Earnst, Marcia Blackburn, Kay Ivey, Kristi Noem... I can literally keep going for a very long time.
He is indeed weird...and fucking creepy. He pursued his current wife while he was still with his previous wife. He wanted to make sure he had some alone time with her so he could get a date. He did that by letting the fucking air out of her tires while at work. When she clearly could not drive home, weirdo Watters offered her a ride.
It seems like a stupid statement that deserves to be made fun of, which it is, but it’s also indicative of one of the dark parts of the conservative mindset. There’s the bigotry of course, but there’s another layer on top of that. It’s like, since you are obviously one of the good true Americans (a straight white male, naturally), it is beneath you to submit to being ruled by one of those “others.”
Submission to a weak inferior sub-human leader is a weak and cowardly act. It is also an insult to your fellow nobles, so you are betraying yourself and “your people” by voting for somebody who is clearly not the right type of person.
Repeat and reinforce this shit over years and decades, make it part of your group identity, and you get things like “better a Russian/felon than a Democrat” (because democrats love being cucks for “diverse” people obviously) and a deep-seated visceral reaction to somebody who is an other in so many ways. A woman AND multiple nonwhite races, oh my!
Source: am straight white male who grew up in religious conservative area and had to work to shed all the tribalism and anger and negativity. (It’s part of the wider problem of so many conservatives defining their identity by the things they hate)
I watched the video of this and it was painful how they discussed "the scientists said that?" and then all agreed in unison. it feels like they're in an echo chamber
Oh, it depends who you're nuts against. I bet it's much easier to piss her off with rhetoric that targets what she considers to be her achievements specifically.
I'm running out of patience with this poison. It won't end after the election. They'll just keep doing it. There is no reasoning with them. There is no educating them. It's endless. Utterly unending. I'm really not sure how much more of it I can take.
The pundit was making fun of a record-breaking "White Dudes for Harris" fundraising call on Tuesday’s episode of The Five when he questioned why “any man would vote Democrat,” claiming that it would have to be because of “mommy issues.”
“It’s not the party of virtue, security — it’s not the party of strength — it’s definitely not the party of family. And to be a man and then vote for a woman just because she’s a woman is either childish — that person has mommy issues — or they are just trying to be accepted by other women,” Watters said. “I heard the scientists say the other day that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman.”
I was thinking that that last line could be a joke, but I would need to hear the delivery. You never know
I wouldn't call nonsensical vitrol a joke exactly, even though the socially accepted response to it is often laughter. It's not funny, they're just trying to successfully out-group with each other. Ape brain stuff. Smiles and laughter saying "yes we are in the same in-group."
Dude needs to look into who Margaret Thatcher was and her politics. See how much that gums up his brain gears, because, even outside the fact she was a woman, she was a conservative's ultimate fantasy.
To give three things off the top of my head that might make modern Cons sour on her: She accepted the science on climate change, wanted the UK in the EU, and ceased arms sales to Israel in 1982 due to the invasion of Lebanon.
She's not culture wars enough for them, even if she was economically ruinous, just as they desire.
What they really want is a Thatcher Mechagodzilla who spouts all the culture wars lines they want, has huge stomping feet that kill poor people, and fires detransitioning lasers from its eyes. It can also be AI powered and take away the need for any thinking or education at all.
Not all con states want to secede from the union, but then again they're not islands, so that one's hard to gauge.
Also, most con politicians here were very invested in remaining in Europe right up until we weren't. The promise of a referendum was a hail Mary to try to win the votes of a particular contingent of voters. They got the votes, but never expected the referendum to go the way it did. Leopard, meet face.
Now they're having to pretend it was the intention all along. Make the best of it, etc.
There's also an argument to be made that her stance on climate change was entirely because of the desire to hurt the workers of the fossil fuel industry, especially one in particular, which outweighed all other priorities.
The Israel thing I don't know too much about, but I can be virtually certain it wasn't about protecting the people of Lebanon from a bully.
...Says the guy who appears on TV wearing makeup, with sculpted hair, and with manicured nails. Whatever dude.
To be clear: I don't think there's anything wrong with guys having any of the things I just mentioned. Not my personal thing, but if you are a guy who likes them then more power to you. But according to Fox News, none of those things are 'manly'. So the hypocrisy of this clown is palpable.
That’s the little first domino in the meme, at least. Then it works up to something like allowing homosexuals to exist, and suffering the presence of their supporters for that matter, also makes you a homosexual.
Do they just figure the brainwashing has stuck by now? Is that it?
Like if they draw a connection between whatever weird thing they can possibly shoestring to trans women all of the conditioning will kick in and they will go "Brrr Trans woman BAD, me no trans! Me hate bad thing that will make me trans! "
The Libertarian Party had a female VP nominee in 1972. Later, Jo Jorgensen was the VP nominee in 1996 and then the Presidential nominee in 2020. I can only imagine that the LP's voters are pretty far down the transexuality path by now.
EDIT: And that's just the US. I can but imagine the situation in other countries. Think of the UK, what with all those Conservative voters for Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May.
The fascinating thing about this is that, in context... it's still fucking weird, but for different reasons.
He's technically joking about how it makes you transition, saying it's a claim he heard from "scientists." So he wants to call men women as a misogynistic insult, but also to poke fun at the concept of scientific study. It's wrong to distinguish between gender and sex as part of evidence-based medicine and basic conscientiousness. It's cool and good if you're doing it to be a dick, though. He's got to police gender roles, but also insist that they are completely immutable based on your sex.
Yeah no, I don't believe Jesse Watters is smart enough to engineer anything. He's just this dumb. His entire career stemmed from one of those stupid interview people on the street shows where they edit it to make him look more intelligent and everyone else looks stupid. Which is honestly Pulitzer level work from his editing crew because that's got to be a tough fucking sell.
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