I’ve had it up to here with people saying JD Vance had sex with a couch. How many times do I have to say there’s no evidence JD Vance had sex with a couch before people stop saying JD Vance had sex with a couch? Liberals must be pretty desperate to make up that JD Vance had sex with a couch. The story that on March 17, 2011 JD Vance was banned from a Cleveland area IKEA after so thoroughly deflowering a KIVIK Sofa Chaise that it had to be removed as a biohazard due to the various fluids in and around it, causing the night manager to not only quit but need intensive therapy is beyond the pale. Who would believe this? There is sworn. court. testimony. that JD Vance has not made bare skin contact with a couch within the past 5 years. That’s a fact. Look it up. The idea that this is because JD Vance cannot contain his overwhelming sexual urges in the presence of soft furniture is reckless conjecture. Calling JD Vance a couchfucker is slander and you need to take it back.
The Left™ will do anything to avoid talking about the real issues in this campaign, like the fact that Kamala Harris laughs sometimes.
They’re too stupid to know that proving something like fucking a couch didn’t happen is impossible. They think that lack of video evidence will prove it, but they’re just jagwagons.
“We don’t buy the hoaxes and believe the hype anymore,” he continued.
Yeah, Fox sells them, not buys them. Get your facts straight.
“Our eyes are wide open.
Uh-oh. That sounds pretty woke to me.
And if you’re gonna accuse someone of having sex with a couch, you better have video.” He then brought on a guest to discuss whether Harris has a chance at winning the election in November without further explaining his request for the video.
Yes, because you want to see it....for totally normal reasons.
"Absolutely revolting claim! And where's the proof? The video? I need to see that horrible, disgusting video before I believe these claims! Show me-I mean us the video!"
I mean… they can’t possibly miss the joke, can they? It fucking racks my brain, the density of these fuckwits sometimes. The whole reason this is still a thing is because they’re saying shit like, ‘If you accuse some of X, you’d better have proof.’
You know, until recently I thought that the golden days of Internet activism were over and we were mostly living in times where it was ridiculously easy to get things censored on the Internet.
Then something as stupid as this gets this amount of attention because of Internet users having way too much time and energy to spread it. WTF
The AP was correct to pull the article. Nobody can definitively say "J.D. Vance did not have sex with a couch" just that "J.D. Vance did not write about having sex with a couch in his memoir, 'Hillbilly Elegy'."
We don't even know he didn't write about it. All we can definitively say is that the story about J.D. Vance fucking a couch did not appear in the published edition of Hillbilly Elegy.
Did he fuck a couch? Did he write about fucking a couch? Only Vance can tell us for sure and he's probably too busy fucking a couch.
He never said he didn't have a fetish where he watches people fuck couches. Many people are saying he has a fetish where he watches people fuck couches.
Anyone else hoping that a video surfaces just so we can make the conservatives watch it? Bonus points if he refers to the couch as Flipper while borking it.
Put that shit up on a screen like what happened to the old and wrinkled Italian regime. Tifa up there screaming, giving heart attacks to poor old men, that scene was so obscene.
Now imagine the travesty, bunch of out the closet conservatives projecting their desires, watching what transpires as JD Vance has a relationship with an entire set. They're the ones that must bear witness to that.
He didn’t write about it, which is why this went viral, in a way. It was an online joke and some AP reporter searched his book for the word “couch” and wrote about it in a fact check to disprove that JD fucked a couch
Aunty: Oh Vance! My favorite nephew! Come in come in! Sit on the couch with me! What brings you here?
Vance: nobody likes me because I wear makeup like women do and I like to fuck the couch!
Aunty: well worry no more! You can stay with us for as long as you like! There's just one thing I need to tell you about.
Vance: what is it?
Aunty: your uncle and I have a house policy where we don't wear any clothes indoors. Is that okay? I'm sure if we talk to your uncle, we can agree to let you fuck a couch too!
Vance proceeds to get complete naked. Uncle comes into the scene and the aunty is already naked too.
Vance: hi uncle!
Uncle: well hello! I see you are getting used to the rules of the house!
Aunty: yes. He also would like it if he could fuck the couch when he feels the need.
Uncle: no problem!
Scene cuts to Vance taking a shower. For more on this please refer to your favorite pornhub show.
This is extremely simplistic and reductive, but essentially, after JD Vance was named Trump's VP, someone made a shit post saying 'Wow, I can't believe he said he had sex with a couch, that's wild'. To their slight credit, the same person commented like an hour later admiting it was all a lie (they just posted the Arthur meme of "You think someone would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?"), but that didn't really matter and it got shared around a lot, mostly by people who knew it was fake news but still thought it was funny anyway.
Later that week, AP News did a fact check on it (because, sadly, they have to do A LOT of false-fact debunking) and they essentially said "JD Vance did not have sex with a couch". HOWEVER, they have an internal policy that says their fact-checks must say only the truth, even if they have to be extremely specific in their wording. Since they originally said "No, he has never had sex with a couch" but, technically speaking, unless they've been spying on him for his entire life, there's no way to actually PROVE that, so they had to take it down. Lots of people saw it get taken down and jumped on that fact as a 'Well, then he must have done it, obviously' and the memes continued.
Fast forward to today, and some FOX host who probably still uses Yahoo as their search engine and has no connection with meme culture is demanding the video proof that they presume to exist despite no one EVER saying that there's proof.
My favorite part was that Vance, supposedly, wrote about it in Hillbilly Elegy. Reading the book would easily solve the issue once and for all, but no one wanted to.
It's also why the AP article was retracted. They could obviously prove that it's not in the book, but like you said, it would be impossible to prove that he never, at any point in his life, when no one was around, fucked a couch.
...but also, the AP article didn't even involve reading the book. They just used Ctrl+F on key terms because, again, no one wants to actually read that book.
I didn't even know it was a story until I read about the retraction. Like, "What do you mean they retracted their story saying he didn't tuck a couch...? Does that mean...?"
Is yahoo search even a thing still? I used it like a week ago and it said powered by Bing. I wouldn't be surprised if they took down their search engine and just use a version of Bing instead of an amalgamation.
Media Bias Fact Check is a fact-checking website that rates the bias and credibility of news sources. They are known for their comprehensive and detailed reports.
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Yeah let's talk about some stupid meme instead of real issues like single payer healthcare, inequality, and I dunno maybe the fact we just had the hottest ever recorded temperatures on Earth in human history.
Filling the narrative with this drama detracts from focusing public attention on real issues.
But I guess this Vance guy prob just needs to drink what plants crave and not talk like a removed and everything will be ok.
But I guess this Vance guy prob just needs to drink what plants crave and not talk like a removed and everything will be ok.
One, it's not good to use slurs; even if this isn't a situation about two men. Two, are you implying Vance's a gay couch? Three, did you just assume that coach's gender?
It's not a slur. The saying is from the movie Idiocracy where society talks like that.
I was implying that Lemmy is in that state of Idiocracy where real issues aren't discussed but calling everyone a couch fucker who you disagree with is ok.
How did we come to the culture where personal life of politicians outside their direct political convictions matters?
Not only is it a manipulation that has no relation to somebody's political performance, it also makes opposition dependent on criticizing a person - something that recently fucked up Republicans themselves as Biden stepped down.