Does anyone have more ideas?
Does anyone have more ideas?
Does anyone have more ideas?
It’ll make you hallucinate hearing someone call out your name from somewhere behind you, but it’s barely audible and comes at unpredictable intervals, and you’re not sure if you even heard it really.
Which I guess kinda resembles mild schizophrenia ¯ (ツ)/¯
i already have it but mostly because 66% of my name is 'e'
Lee or Eve?) I can’t come up with a name that has more than 3 letters and fits the 66% thing.
The same with the diarrhea.
No, no, no. The five minute cyclical urge to fart when you have diarrhea. You don't actually have to fart either, you just feel like you do, but feel like you can't -- not now-- because...diarrhea.
a batch script in autostart that kills itself in over 90% like 98. in the rest it either starts desktop goose after 30 to 200 minutes or shuts the pc down after again, a random amount of time.
Edit: Desktop goose trailer: (use piped for privacy focused people bt you still can open it on youtube freely)
And i thought PC virus, sorry
I don’t have any, that’s the one