Bro that's called murder 😅 why do they try so much to associate abortion with murder? It never worked and never will. Nobody is as dumb as they are. It's like they are trying to convince you to become stupid and forget reason because Jesus.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with conservatives nowadays? This is why this ideology is dying. And the more it dies, the more radicalized they become
Because CNN got shifted towards the right for a while. I know there's been leadership change at CNN relatively recently, but I don't know if that leadership is making any changes on that front, or if any attempted changes are having an effect.
If you listened to the whole video they talk about not providing life savings care to the child, which is not murder. There are a ton of babies who don't do well after birth and are not expected to survive long. This happens for a lot of different reasons. Withdraw of care, or moving to comfort care, is a well defined and common occurrence across the medical field. People die all the time and you can artificially preserve things like the heartbeat and breathing with machines, but you have to decide if that's what is best for the patient. It's not murder, it's not "post term abortion" either.
I just find the term incredibly stupid and hilarious 😅 Republicans always says the dumbest shit.
Think about it for a second;
"Post birth" means you are born. Right? Once you are born, you cant be aborted anymore... it changes the whole meaning. If you are born, breathe on your own and someone kills you, its murder. Not "post-birth abortion" lmao. Abortion is the end of a pregnancy. No pregnancy, no abortion.
Republicans can spin and twist this off as "abortion" as much as they want, they aren't doing a good job convincing the average Joe that abortion is wrong. Which is their goal... and everybody knows abortion is a relatively mild medicine procedure that does not involve killing anybody so why still using these stupid ass term?
Because it did work. It worked well enough that January 6th happened, and the 2016 election. It worked well enough that Florida consistently looks like Florida and votes like Florida, generation after generation.
Conservatives have always been the most hated people, and for good reason. Their philosophies have long been used to justify crusades, genocide, racism, nationalism, and outrages of all kinds. Most of all, their attitude has always been "anyone who disagrees with me is a terrorist/rabid dog and needs to be put down for the good of humanity."
It's an oxymoron. You can't abort a pregnancy that ended in birth. I'm sure he's trying to imply murder, but it's just stupidity spilling out of his mouth.
It’s just as dumb as believing in “partial birth” abortions which…I mean…come on. If only these people had the capacity to think about it for two seconds.
The republicans have been brainwashing their base to believe Democrats and Liberals are Satan's minions, just pure evil. They'll believe anything that fits that narrative. Remember the guy that shot up a pizza place because the right wing fronted a conspiracy theory that Hillary was running a pedophile ring in the basement.
Absolutely not. These people know exactly what they're doing. Except Donnie Cheeto of course, who genuinely has no idea of what is true and what is false. That's why he comes across as so "authentic" to the morons.
What kind of stupidity does it take to hear "post-birth abortion," and not immediately question it? We're doomed, because half of the voting population in this country can be convinced of literally anything if it's said by the right person, and it hurts the right people.
It takes generations of crippling education that removed critical thinking from a generation. Instead of thinking "post birth" abortion = actual murder and instead go "abortion" = murder "post birth abortion" double murder! It's like when you ask a Christian about sharia and they decry it yet when asked if Christianity should be involved in politics or shape politics and they go "of course!" Being wholely ignorant of the fact abrahamic law (Mosiac law) and sharia are most similar than dissimilar.
By their own logic, "post-birth abortion" should be seen as no worse than regular abortion because they claim regular abortion is murder. Not that I expect them to ever be logically consistent.
Dude, my dad said almost exactly the same thing to me all the time growing up. He tried to make good on that statement on the regular. He also voted for fucking Trump.
And it's fucking false too. Even before the repeal of RvW, federal funding could not be used for abortion unless it was a risk of life to the mother, or due to rape/incest. That's it. That's how it was 10 years ago, that's how it is today. Tricare legally cannot cover abortions except for those circumstances.
Now, the military is currently allowing those of us unfortunate enough to be stationed in Florida or Texas or Missouri or Alabama or insert-red-state here, to go on non-chargeable leave and a portion of travel related expenses are covered. Not the procedure itself.
And fascist pricks like Tuberville and DeSantis are doing their best to claw just that much back. Because the cruelty is the point.
Their states broadly have the most crime, and yet they continue to pursue ineffective solutions like executing people who turn out, in hindsight, to have been innocent.
It’s all about imagery for Republicans, not honesty or reality. Waiting for the introduction of phrases like “mutilation abortion”, “satanic abortion”, and “puppy killing abortion” when talking about liberal states.
The fact that conservatives refer to gender affirmation treatment as "chopping off children's genitals" no matter how many times they're corrected indicates that conservatives know they're lying and don't care.
This is just a clever man, framing an issue with a scary term used to terrify an ignorant voter base. Why is everyone so surprised as if this was some new thing?
DeSantis knows exactly what he’s doing here. He and his cronies are experts at manipulating the Cletuses.
That MF KNOWSEXACTLY what he is doing and is trying to get free media time while pushing out dangerous claims. He also knows hes loosing and when he looses he is completely done for.
When I was a kid my family used to joke about a post birth abortion. It’s amazing to see someone so desperate that they actually are using the idea to win votes