Why some men bully and hate on women who post here their own images?
Specifically women who have a link in their bio.
As somebody who is not enjoying watching nor listening to ads, I understand that part, but we still get to see those beautiful/sexy photos/videos for free.
And even those women who post without any aggressive promotion, variety of content (not recycling the same photo in different sub-communities), not providing any links directly in their posts nor asking for anything and just enjoying being social, get attacked too. Why?
What has happened to live and let live?
Why being so rude and disrespectful?
I truly don't get it.
I mean I have a theory, but I would hate to offend anyone, it's just not in me to be disrespectful, so I keep it to myself for now.
That said, I also would like to acknowledge that vast majority of Lemmy NSWF members are awesome and many thanks to you all for building this fun community.
So I'm not one of those people but I think I get where they're coming from.
The issue is one of quantity vs quality. Many of the most prolific OnlyFans posters make the same generic content and they post that content in every community they posibly can to hit the widest audience. It was really bad on reddit where they would post the same picture of their boobs in 15 different subreddits. So far that hasn't been as much of an issue on Lemmy but I think people are woried that if it isn't stopped early then it will start to be an issue and that is why they are targeting all OF posters. I get why OnlyFans posters do that though. OnlyFans is very competitive and very few people actually make any decent money off of it so if you want to make money on there then you need to market yourself agressively and you need to make your content generic enough to apeal to the widest audience.
On the other hand, if somebody is just posting their amateur content without any monetary goal then they don't need to be concerned with marketability. Actual amateurs are free to be much more varied and to only post their content in communities where it actually applies. Sure, good verified amateur content is significantly more rare than professional OF content, but without all the professional OF spam it would be easier to find on here. A lot of people also don't seem to understand the difference between someone who posts on OF as their job and someone who posts on OF because they were posting amateur content anyways so why not post on OF too and maybe make some extra money.
There's also the fact that, like you said, people just don't like being advertized to. That's also probably the root of a lot of the hate.
More like 50...Once I was looking at a profile that I swear had over 50 PAGES of the same photo posted everywhere. I was scrolling just out of morbid curiosity of course... How do people even find so many subs to post to?
Thank you for your valuable input and taking time to answer. Much appreciated.
I absolutely can see this aspect, as I have mentioned in my original post. Personally I also rather enjoy the community with social interactions that are more authentic and fun.
But this still leaves my question open, because women who do not engage in the practices you described and on contrary engage in building this community without any advertisment, but happen to have a link in their bio, are targeted too.
Now to clarify - I don't think anyone should be targeted at all, subs can set the rules, we must follow them, and mods can warn and ban those who break them. And in all other cases - don't like something then don't look at it.
But it seems having a link in bio is enough to bring the hate on and this really is something I would love the haters to clarify- why?
But this still leaves my question open, because women who do not engage in the practices you described and on contrary engage in building this community without any advertisment, but happen to have a link in their bio, are targeted too.
The thing is that those people aren't selectively targeting the "bad" OnlyFans users. They aren't going through and reviewing peoples profiles in detail. They just see onlyfans and assume the worst.
Proof for your theory is the German gonewild community on Reddit. I commented about this here. They have a strict no ads policy. Even a link to onlyfans on your profile will result in a ban. When they enforced their policy some people left, but all in all the community is a divers place with a good amount of posts from all genders. My guess is: if you live somewhere, where the lack of money will not fuck you up that hard, it is easier to do things just for fun.
I've only been on here for a few days and gotten some weird hate comments. I know my look is not for most people and that is fine, but I've gotten more negative comments here than I ever did on Reddit in just a few days. It's just weird that people rather spend more time looking at my pic they don't like to post a negative comment. 🤷♀️
Yeah I've seen those comments and downvoted them. I'm sorry you have to deal with that crap. I for one haven't been back to reddit since the protests began so I'm glad you are here! 😀
Thank you for your kind words. I'm secure and mature enough as an individual to not let these comments bother me, but I just wonder why someone even posts negative comments vs just scrolling, engaging in content they don't like and its just weird.
I was never on Reddit really. I joined donkey years ago and never used it. Then forgot my account name and password. I created a new one recently but I kinda don't get good vibes on Reddit at all.
Granted one of the hate comments was pretty funny so I hope they try to be creative like that in the future lol. But yeah it's just weird behavior, makes me think they're mad at me for not being their typical fap material but I still gave them a hard on.
It’s honestly just self-defeating and stupid, even from an absolutely selfish perspective by men who do nothing but consume porn. Thinking about it: if you want amazing ladies to share amazing nudes, you need to create a positive environment. No matter what a woman looks like, she may have misgivings about sharing. So you have to make the environment a wall-to-wall positive, thankful, and respecting one. It’s basic math.
If it becomes a place where people get judged by their looks and then “win” or “lose” then guess what? No one’s going to fucking post.
I wish these kids would pull their heads out of their ass and get this. I learned it by observing the polyamorous communities I have encountered. There is, as a rule, zero shaming, and every woman is a queen. But then I think many of these twerps have never even had sex at all let alone figured out the dynamics of a sexually free community. Fucking kids.
100%. I replied to someone else with an apology. If I went to a painting forum and saw someone's original painting I didn't like but was otherwise on subject and was well executed I'm not gonna downvote or make a nasty comment. I don't like certain art styles and that is fine but that doesn't make it any less of a painting that should be shown off.
I think it is a lack of maturity and misplaced sense of entitlement. I don't know if it's possible to block a user to keep them from being able to see or comment on your posts. That certainly would be a great feature. 😀
I'm sorry you ladies have to put up with so many idiots. I downvote them when I see them.
I’d also recommend the reverse: if you think you’re seeing a lot of posts from someone you don’t want to see: BLOCK THAT POSTER. We have that power.
There are people I am not interested in that post constantly who are not even advertising an OF. I just block them. Nothing personal. Just me customizing my feed to my tastes. If you’ve ever spent time on a NSFW forum then you already know that people have different tastes.
I have no patience for little babies who think the entire site should change policies so that they don’t have to customize their feed to their tastes. Grow up, babies! Don’t skip thumb day: reach over and hit that block button!
What really bothers me is, that people cannot just ignore posts they don’t like. If I choose to visit “All” or “local”, I have to be aware that not all posts will be to my liking. Why do people downvote an aesthetic male image in a community named “the male form”? Just ignore it, it will be over with a little swipe of your thumb.
There is one poster who provides a lot of content. They have a body who does not fit into todays mainstream beauty standards. Their photos are well made and you can see the effort they put into them. Does it fit my taste? No. Do I have to downvote it? Nope, because it fits into the general idea of this platform.
There's a whole bunch of communities that just isn't my taste. Know what I do? Just block those communities. Bam, done, and I never have to think of it again. Or individual users, etc.
Don't understand why that's so difficult instead of spreading hate for no reason, or downvoting something that fits the /c/.
It takes multiple clicks and keystrokes to leave a dickhead reply, which you may get an angry response to later, but just one swipe of the scroll wheel to make the content disappear and move on with your life. People need to put away childish things and learn that the world isn’t going to walk right up and cater to them. They need to put their time where it will make them happy.
I feel like the downvote arrow on lemmynsfw posts should be removed. For me it is a huge turnoff to see people downvoting other peoples original content to hell. It is a boner killer, and makes me feel disgusted at people's entitlement and shit filled brains. I'm not into shit filled brains, take your hate and make a community around that kink so I can block it.
Honestly I'd be cool with that and an option by the poster to disable comments if they want. If someone wants to show their body off, let them. If it's not a body I want to see I can scroll past it and say nothing like a normal, polite human being. If the OP wants to tolerate the comments, fine, but I don't want anyone posting themselves and getting shamed/shit on for it.
I know it's something that at least instances can control, because I don't think Beehaw has a down vote button. Maybe the admins of this instance should consider that for lemmynsfw, too
I 100% agree. Or at least I’d like the ability, as a mod, to see what little shits are doing this and be able to shadowban them from viewing us in their feed. Seriously, all these little festering peckerwoods downvoting ladies OC need to be piled into a wood chipper.
I'm sorry that you're having such unpleasant experiences with some users on here.
Please report people that leave hateful comments, I think most moderators will gladly delete them. Some people are sadly not used to treating other human beings with dignity on the internet.. xD
This - please report people who are using the platform to expouse their hate, unnecessary misogyny (unless that's what you're into...) or are just generally trolls.
Also, if moderators are the ones encouraging, taking part, or otherwise ignoring it, please let an administrator know so we can try to resolve it.
Thank you, but actually quite opposite.
My experience is mostly nothing but positive and fun (apart from rare instances).
I have been enjoying social interactions on Lemmy and often reading comments with smile on my face.
But I'm not blind and this kind of behaviour online is hard not to notice.
I don't have to agree, but I can understand why people would have less appreciation for purely advertising content (they still get content though!).
So they want real amateurs, posting for a thrill, but good forbid any of them happen to also have a link in ther bio.
I cannot make sense out of it.
Lemmy can easily ban all creators, just for having a link in bio, regardless whether they post non spammy content, don't advertise and engage socially, or not. But I wonder how many posts would be here to see?
My bet is on only reposts of "borrowed" from somewhere else content.
So posting a pic and having a link in your bio is spam? A link that you would have to click through to see? A link you would have to specificly hunt for? I haven't clicked on every single pic posted, but I hardly see anyone posting any links in the comments here.
Believing that women should do exactly what you like and only what you like, and that hateful comments are a good way to respond anytime you’re not happy about what they do… yeah, actually that’s misogyny. No really I checked, and you’re wrong, trust me. Just Google it.
I just added a note to my sub’s sidebar about not downvoting OC. It’s just so stupid and rude. OnlyFans promotion could potentially be done in an annoying way, but it’s been sooooo far from that - and I’ll fucking moderate it if it gets bad, thank you very much!
Free nudes are free nudes for fuck’s sake! I swear I’ve seen OF girls that actually show more on Reddit than their actual OF. So I’d say we’re getting a really good deal and should STFU and embrace the ladies who are posting nudes for us. Is that so difficult?
Folks need to put down their 2002 definition of advertising spam and get with 2023 sex work.
These sorry sacks of shit would never even get within earshot of these women to say this crap in person. It’s like: tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin. You can always tell a man who gets a lot of sex because he treats women in a way that makes them warm to him. Shrill little internet Dick bags can barely pinch their own micro penis in mammas basement, AND IT SHOWS
Thank you for taking time to chim in! This is the first response to my question so much sppreciated.
Just shame none of those who actually hate on, had balls big enough to explain their carry on.
What is the best way the rest of us can encourage you to keep doing what you're doing?
It's awesome that you're providing a service to us for free out of the goodness of your heart. Let us know if there's anything we can do besides upvotes to restore the motivation that gets sucked away by people's disrespectful comments.
I sense a hint of sarcasm here, but I also may be wrong.
In any case the encouragement is welcomed, but not needed. Many thanks for offering 🥰
I'm an emotionally mature alas wild woman, who feels comfortable in my own skin and with everything I do. Don't need sweet talking to keep me going, nor bad mouthing to stop me. I may be soft and friendly and full of positive energy, but I also have a tough skin and I'm not that fragile.
The purpose of this post was the get an answer to my question, not to vent nor look for support. Most people here are awesome and I appreciate all respones. I just don't understand those few bad seeds. This is not my personal experience but what I have noticed in general ever since I joined this community.
Thank you for taking time to reply and I hope it was in a good faith too. Wishing you a great day.
100%. I started a sub here and have been posting random porn to get it going. A couple of actual ladies have shown up and posted their nudes now, and it’s enraging to see anyone downvoting them. I swear if the mod tools would let me see who they are I’d fucking ban them.
Above and beyond reporting any shitty comments that we see, is there any other actions that you would like to see from socially well adjusted men here?
But first of all, it really sucks women go throught this kind of abuse here. Independently from if we like onlyfans let’s call them advertisement or bait posts or not, I think we need to be better than this as a community. The chill vibe is what most sets us apart from other places such as Reddit, and we really have to try to keep it that way. 
Secondly, I think some people become incredibly inconsiderate as soon as their anonymous on the Internet, completely forgetting that they’re talking to real life people on the other side. My imagination suggests that this is just some angry incel dude, hating on you out of frustration, and I really do hope you never take it personally. I don’t mean to be kissing your ass either, I just really like mutual respect on the Internet.
 Is my username would suggest, I do need to browse these communities every now and again to see who the good and the bad girls are ;) I feel that most of the time it’s very clear if someone is an only fans poster or lets call them amateur posters. The quality let’s say of the bodies and the professional grade pictures usually gives it away. That being said, I regularly see the distinction between the women who are posting this only to post the link in the comments, and never reply to any of the (thirsty) dudes in the comment section and the content creators who take this community seriously and invest a lot of their time to engage with viewers. I would definitely consider you in the second category.
On a sidenote, I am a mobile user on iOS, and I cannot see any bio of yours through Memmy. Or maybe I’m just a noob. I don’t use only fans, so it doesn’t matter to me, but I thought you should know people might not see the link.
Long story short, keep up the amazing work. I think you really improve the community with both your content and your comments. Don’t listen to the haters, I hope the trend will die down. 
I actually had nothing but great experience on Lemmy (bar one comment) previous to this post, but I came across many negative comments.
Now this has changed and I'm showered with hate, because I dared to post what I did.
It is insanity.
Not that it should make any difference but I am a total amateur - I work full time in professional environment closely connected to my education. I also take additional work, because life is expensive as we all know. This leaves me with very little time for myself and my hobbies, I have always enjoyed photography so I started experimenting on myself with the camera, not like I could had asked any friends to be my nude models nor had time to go and study photography.
I literally have thousands of photos in my folders that have never been seen by anyone - too revealing for social media.
It took me years to gave in to requests to open OF and start sharing. I never had it on my agenda. But it feels in a way like the most safe place to share and the best place to be appreciated too.
Yeah, I have a link in my bio. But I don't go and shout about it. I don't mention it in my comments and I don't even make titles suggestive enough. I don't feel like anything I post here screams "promo".
I belive if somebody likes something they go and investigate and then they do what their heart desires. My link is as an option if anyone feels curious and would like to see more or support what I do. But that's all.
At this stage I decided to use a block feature. I'm playing a Santa too and giving a bag of coal to all those nasty boys (they certainly don't sound like men)
I think using your own Santa Powers is very good in this situation. Also, just want to say how messed up it is you getting hate over asking about why all the hate. Most of all on Lemmy, a place where we constantly pat ourselves on the back for not being as toxic as other places.
I enjoyed reading the bit of background, but please never feel like tou have to justify anything or any personal choices to anyone on here. It’s your life, your choice and our luck that you choose to post the content that you do.
I am surprised that someone even downvoted this comment of yours, like what about it ground someones gears!?
I hope you keep giving bags of coal to these thirsty weirdly incel-vibe dudes giving you hate on here. And I hope the rest of us (the vast majority) get to enjoy the contents of the folder you mentioned for years to come - I know I’m looking forward to it.
I think lots of awful things about some of the people and things I see here and elsewhere. But that's it, I think them and keep them to my fucking self.
And what have I done to you? You accuse men of being shitty without evidence, and I dispute that. You asked about the connection with OF links, and I told you about some experiences from the other side. It's not like I'm I'm the one sending you ugly messages or demanding your free nudes. I don't even know who you are.
I only saw that original message in my feed and decided, to respond to a fellow Lemming. But this is getting less and less wise by the day. Everyone seems to just want to be angry.
Edit: This was sent as a response, don't know wny it got posted in the root of the discussion. Guess now I can expect to be called names too. But hey I deserve it because I'm a man, so it's okay.
Why is it always assumed it's men? For what we know, it could be some jealous Karens. You can be whoever you want to be on the internet.
Personallly I am a bit annoyed when all I see are OF promotions, especially if their owners treat it only as such - e.g. never communicating or responding, clearly stating "I only respond on OF, not DMs" etc. Especially ironic when professional porn stars are often more willing to talk to their fans, but for lots of OF chicks that's somehow beneath them.
So I guess this whole culture has spoiled the fun quite a bit. But then, I'm not the one writing ugly comments (not to this kind of content anyway) and I do appreciate if the content is good and varied. So I don't know if that's the answer you're after. People just generally need to learn to take a deep breath before writing to a stranger.
Ed: Oh also, we also often get spammed by OF links, as in via DMs. Hasn't happened to me on Lemmy yet but that's also a way to sour the mood.
I am on here to advertise my OF. I only have a link in my bio. I say quick thank yous and such to people who comment to me, but I am not gonna have an entire conversation for free. It sounds like you're wanting free titty pics and free sexting, good luck with that.
Ok this is genuinely hilarious. I only saw your comment now because I had to look at this instance to check if comments are getting federated from lemmy.world.
I didn't see it before, because I have you blocked due to you spamming your stuff.
Look around yourself. You're on an open source platform people make for free in their free time, running on servers people run for free in their free time, surrounding by people who make content and do work for free in their free time. Everyone is here to enjoy themselves and run away from all the advertisements we're flooded with everywhere else.
You're the entitled one here to think that your class can keep spamming your commercial crap.
So no, I don't need your spam, your titties free or otherwise, nor your communication of any kind. Back to blocking.
Not ALL, not even vast majority, but still. Bad apples leave a bad taste and rotten the whole bunch...
I'm yet to see female creator leaving nasty comments under another female creator. We are usually supporting each other, or just moving on.
It takes incredible amount of courage and thick skin to put ourselves out there knowing there will be so many hateful people. Nobody expects thanks, like we are used to having zero appreciation for all the work and time that goes into creating content we share for free... but being abused on top of that is just insanity!
I don't even promote, I share my photos and try to make this community grow and to be a fun place to interact. Yes I have a link in my bio, I'm not sending anyone to it, nor plastering it anywhere in my titles nor comments. I haven't posted same photo anywhere. I love being social and having fun chats with like minded people.
The entitlement of getting everything for free can go both ways, you know?
I would happily have all my photo equipment, travel to locations, laptop, outfits and cost of time spend travelling, setting up, taking photos and editing given for free without showing anything in return.
But I do it mainly for myself for fun, because I enjoy it. But yeah it cost shit loads of money so I finally gave in and created that link.