A lot of people claiming real leftists don't vote lately
A lot of people claiming real leftists don't vote lately
A lot of people claiming real leftists don't vote lately
This meme template is pure gold. Cuts all ways :chefs-kiss:
With the republican party going full fascist yeah it's probably a good idea not to vote for them.
At any level much less the fuckin presidency.
But that means voting for an genocidal imperialist who'd rather keep pushing that pro-capitalist agenda and sucking up to Fortune500 companies. ~Some leftist, probably (/s)
They do said Democrat aren't left at all, and the real left is anarchy or something.
Well that's true. It's just that anarchists prefer the centrist party over the openly fascist party, because we don't want to live in a fourth reich.
I've been told the true leftists would rather live under fascism dejure then compromise their morals by lending any support to the democrats.
Anarchists prefer to not waste time by putting so much fucking energy into electoral politics. Vote, if you want (I'm not your Boss), but don't spend sooo much time into electoralism.
I don't know a single anarchist that 'prefer the quietly fascist party over the openly fascist party' most of them prefer to DA the military contractors that are party to the latest american-supplied genocide.
A lot of leftists are claiming real leftists don't vote lately.