If he's not going to debate her then Harris should literally give a 90 minute PowerPoint on project 2025 and what it will do to your pay your healthcare, your environment everything..
Instead, a comparison between Trump's project 2025 vs her goals might be better. Actually look to the future, instead of the doom and gloom of "don't vote for him" would do wonders to get people excited to vote, which helps turnout.
With a picture of the former president on an empty chair emphasizing and underlining his conscious decision not to participate because he knows he can’t debate her on these points.
Guys, have you noticed that Harris laughs. Like when she finds something funny she laughs at it. Fucked up, right?
When she was a prosecutor, she put people in jail that pled guilty or were convicted by a jury. What a monster.
Maybe she’s secretly been assuming the duties of the President when Biden wasn’t feeling well. We should look into that. That would make her… bad somehow.
Is she actually Hillary Clinton in a mask, maybe? Can we test that on 4chan?
Good thing we always have old faithful- racism and sexism. That’ll swing those undecideds.
It's so weird that they tried to concentrate on her laugh. All it did was highlight that Trump never laughs or shows any kind of positive emotion, like some kind of hateful little goblin.
We probably share the same opinion but if sexism and racist swings any 'undecideds' that just means they're conservatives that are too pussy to say it out loud and pretend they aren't while gargling trumps balls.
That's true BUT casual/subconscious racism and sexism is extremely common in American culture. The fact is that there is a double standard for women and minorities that most people hold to at least some extent. It's been studied time and time again that there are things that white men can do that are viewed negatively when done by a woman/minority. And that's going to affect this election.
Maybe she’s secretly been assuming the duties of the President when Biden wasn’t feeling well. We should look into that. That would make her… bad somehow.
You forgot the part where they say this while simultaneously demanding she invoke the 25th Amendment.
The racism and sexism is great. They're calling her a DEI hire and mispronouncing her name. You would think senators who have worked with her for before she was even vice president for four years would know how to pronounce her name by now. So fucking childish.
Never mind that they never call her by last name. Totally fine for Biden or Obama tho. "Kah-mahla" quite clearly stresses that she is both a woman and non-white. Couldn't get that with Hillary.
Good thing we always have old faithful- racism and sexism. That’ll swing those undecideds.
At work, both the resident Gen-X divorced-dad asshole and the luddite boomer have taken to complaining that “We’re all going to be called racists and misogynists for not voting for Kamala” while grousing about hating her more than Biden, never once mentioning a single point of policy that they dislike.
When he was president he had all of that, a beautiful healthcare plan that would cover everyone and an infrastructure plan that strengthen the nation. They were always putting the finishing touches on them and they would be ready in two weeks. For four years. Guy seems to have trouble with finishing touches.
Republicans being unable to stop themselves from being racist and sexist might well play in Harris' favour here. The vast majority of racists and sexists were going to vote for Trump anyway, but this type of approach and messaging might alienate some moderate undecided voters.
Just hours after she announced her candidacy, Trump’s super PAC released an ad attacking Harris, claiming she “covered up Joe’s obvious mental decline” and that she “knew Joe couldn’t do the job, so she did it” herself.
Is this really the own he thinks it is? By most measures the Biden/Harris term has been fairly successful so giving your opponent credit for the lions share of that work is certainly an interesting strategy. And the coverup is a fairly toothless accusation since Biden actually stepped down in time.
Yeah but I don't think you were considering voting for Trump... I think that in practice associating her with an unpopular president's actions isn't a bad idea when her main selling point is that she isn't either Biden or Trump.
I am pretty sure they are having internal debates about whether to go for the hard R or not. Word is they are favoring skipping it in an attempt to appeal to a younger audience.
There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party - namely Barack Hussein Obama - that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone "better." Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds
Trump’s statement explaining why he refuses to debate says it all. Pathetic.
Well, they're metaphorically grasping for a way to attack Harris, and one of the things they're trying is a claim that she'll ban plastic straws. So they're metaphorically grasping at literal straws?
who's anyone kidding? GOP will just follow their usual strategy of shouting lies upon lies upon lies while pounding their fists and stomping their feet, and make everyone waste time debunking the bullshit hurricane
I’m honestly surprised they haven’t brought up her Canadian background.
By referencing her Canadian background, they can subtly frame her as being “exotic” and “foreign” and “liberal” in a way that doesn’t sound racist (but which would provably still resonate with racists).
Also, “Canadian Kamala” has good alliteration. I could imagine Trump using it.
Second of all, I genuinely think Canadian Kamala might be too long for Trump and his followers. A good alliteration sure, but I could more see him using something simpler like Killer Kamala, after finding (or more honestly making up) a reason to use it.