pizza_the_hutt The images are from Slay the Princess. Highly recommended.
57 0 ReplyPennomi Slay the Princess is a delight! Uh, in a way.
15 0 Replyhenfredemars Great game if you like Stanley Parable.
7 1 ReplySteamymoomilk
I'm addicted to this game. Helppppps meeeeeeee!
3 0 Replygreencactus Amazing game :))
1 0 ReplyIGuessThisIsForNSFW So I don't know much about slay the princess, but it does look like a lot of other games I like. I haven't bought it yet because I kinda like when a game has like a traditionally 'happy' end. Like in Needy Streamer, no matter what choices you make the endings range from bad to kinda disappointing. Is Slay the Princess like that?
2 0 Reply
How to narcissism in five easy steps
16 0 ReplyMindTraveller I think you're being a bit reductive about a serious disability
1 11 Replyintensely_human Calling narcissism a disability is reductive.
6 0 Reply
Bruhh Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves.
14 0 ReplySuzyQ
Heart. Lung. Liver. Nerves.
3 0 Reply
Thank you - > thank me
11 0 Replydesktop_user Seems based, however because I am the sole decider of humour, it is not funny.
10 0 Replynifty OP
Hooray for narcissism!
5 0 ReplyKlear You are wrong.
4 0 Replydesktop_user I never do anything wrong.
2 0 Reply
foggy hey whats up guys, tech lead here (as a millionaire)
10 0 ReplyRightHandOfIkaros Average modern business public statement be like:
9 0 Replypolonius-rex 5 0 Replyluckystarr Saved.
3 0 Replynifty OP
hope we don’t have to add a /s tag to memes 👀
1 0 Reply
Cyrus Draegur How to be a conservative guide
6 4 Replytherealjcdenton
This was modeled after me
1 0 Reply