I hope Republicans get absolutely crushed to the point that it becomes clear catering to the extremists and conspiracy theorists is not tenable. Then they have 4 years to try to rebuild from the ashes and try to present a reasonable platform instead of something insane.
I think the party would destroy itself long before they become introspective enough to straighten their shit out.
This isn't just a political party we're talking about, it's essentially a cult. Maybe not every Trump voter is in that deep, but enough are to cause a serious schism in the party.
I just hope that this time, the allegedly anti-Trump Republicans have the balls (or lady-nuts) to actually say/do something rather than falling in line and kissing the ring.
Unless we're still talking Russian kompromat... If that's the case, whatever they have on these people must be truly horrific.
I guess you didn't see the article about her statement regarding Israel/Palestine.
Already got the "totally a progressive who wouldn't vote for Biden because they just learned Palestine exists" concern trolls to make sure everyone knows that she lost their support already 🙄
Looks at Clinton.... Looks at JFK.... Looks at Jimmy Carter...
What the fuck are you even talking about? I can think of a lot of small mistakes that could have ruined any of the examples I provided but they are all LEFT heroes.
“So think of it: They get me to that position, and then their campaign says, ‘I’m the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon.’ That’s their campaign,” Trump said. “I don’t think people are going to buy it.”
He comes from the era when politicians were civil to each other even if they vehemently disagreed. Well before Newt Gingrich started characterizing Democrats as evil.
Preach. Having someone call Trump on his bullshit and is so god damn refreshing. Biden just wanted to brag about his record. He did a lot, that’s great, but the campaign needs to highlight what Trump’s policies are and what is at stake.
It's so sad these elections are no longer about what policies each candidate promises to apply if elected but about attacking the other candidate.
But the Democrats have to play by the current rules. Taking the moral high ground on the campaign trail was not going to get them elected. One can argue that the moral obligation is not to let Trump and his cronies win so that more reasonable policies can be put in place.
The return on investment here I don't think is getting the right attention. That posting on 🐦 was probably 5 minutes of actually work When I found it a few hours later, it's at 2.1m views. AND she's setting funds raising records.
Agreed. If Trump has taught us anything, it's that politicians need to have a stronger digital presence to compete. It doesn't matter that you're a better person with better policies if your opponent is all over the Internet lying and trash talking about you. Responding only via press releases is too late in the cycle to correct misinformation. That needs to be nipped in the bud immediately. Harris's team needs to refute his lies the same day he posts them, ideally the same hour.
I'm not complaining but I'm genuinely wondering if the dnc has been holding this woman back. I feel like I haven't seen this fire coming from her before and I'm loving it.
I'm starting to think this was a pre-planned bait and switch. Let MAGA and the Russian trolls waste thier energy and money going after Biden, painting him as old and senile. Then Kamala comes in and goes all scorched-earth on Trump.
Whether it was planned or not is not all that important though, the result is a thing of beauty.
It may be comforting to think that, but I reckon it genuinely took them by surprise just how unable he was to perform under pressure. He may be able to hold a normal conversation in a small room with a couple of people, but get the lights on him, him own voice being amplified around and a live broadcast, and the man just wasn't able to compete. He looked weak and old.
While Trump lives for that. He's a fucking gameshow host. His ideal dinner date would be himself, but louder. What he actually says is incoherent nonsense, but he's loud and aggressive and the MAGA hats lap that shit up.
Don't think that was pre planned. But I think waiting for Trump to officially accept the nomination as republican candidate was a deliberate move. The timing was almost too on the nose, and it seems some people already knew Biden was going to drop out before that.
Maybe this shit was all stewing in Kamalas head for years and she's just unloading off her chest lmao. But in truth I hope thus is the result of a competent team, cause I want this to keep coming. Fucking tired of being nice to Trump supporters after they acted like absolute pieces of shit for years.
I don't think it was pre-planned until the terrible debate performance.
Having said that, I definitely think they timed his dropping out to be after the GOP convention, and even after the Sunday political shows. That timing was just too perfect to be a coincidence. The GOP spent the entire convention focusing on the wrong target. Then the Sunday politics shows happened. Then immediately after that came the announcement he was dropping out, and almost at the same time he was endorsing Kamala.
I suspect he knew he was dropping out weeks before he announced it, mainly because the way everybody endorsed Kamala has been so seamless. The democrats are famous for looking disorganized, and having their fights in public. I strongly suspect they went to many key democrats and did whatever wheeling and dealing was needed for them to endorse Kamala when Biden dropped out, while making sure to keep it quiet.
Because it's hard to keep secrets, it was probably a relatively small group of people who knew. But, I'd guess that at least 10 key democrats were informed early and brought on board.
Of course they were holding her back. I don't think there's any argument they weren't.
If she had been out and doing town hall events, it would have drawn attention to the fact that Biden wasn't doing those things. Normally an energetic VP is a great partner who can double the number of events a candidate can do. But, the Biden campaign was too worried about her making him look old and feeble.
there's no reason to engage in conspiracy theories. she's been a VP to a walking corpse for 4 years, and she's probably been getting ready for this the entire time... they say VPs are "a heartbeat away" from presidency for good reason, and Biden at his best didn't look like he had many of those left.
she's always been personable in interviews, but her podium speech needed work. she's probably been working on it, and mind that she's been campaigning and speaking this whole time; it's just that the media never cared because she was just a VP... 4 years of practice can do a lot of good.
Lol, my neighbor across the way put one of those up in 2020, we chit chat so while watering the garden I said "man I wasn't going to vote, but because of your sign yeah, go Biden". I mean I was... But anyway he took down the sign lol.
Her and the team need to go hard and fast. She's not charisma 101, though she has some. Her real strength is her ability to disseminate and spread information as someone whose career was to become an expert on any information presented, when used alongside existing resources. What does this mean?
She will continue to tarnish Trump's image in the eyes of all the doubtful while increasing her own standing across the board with the exception of the staunch Republican and MAGA supporters. This means hop in the truck and proceed at ramming speed. Every single historically idiotic thing Trump has said. Every piece of racism his team puts out. All the sexism and all the calls to violence against certain groups. Call them out. We can all agree that bipartisanship was the game for a long time, back when the Republicans still had some spine and integrity left here and there. What the Nation needs right now is exactly what she can almost uniquely bring, and we are seeing what I suspect is just the beginning of this little war.
Case in point, I had rarely heard of any of the good things Biden did during his presidency, even though he's had some good policies. It really felt like radio silence from him except when Trump was involved. It was so frustrating that our country's in decline and it just felt like getting stonewalled by the guy supposed to fix it.
Meanwhile it feels like Kamala's actually trying. I'm hearing good things about her left and right. She's only mentioning Trump when it's a direct attack to pressure him for all his evil actions.
Image is everything. Charisma bolsters and protects image. The shitty thing is that Biden has done a TON. Yet so many people aren't aware he has done much at all. This isn't some humblebrag situation, he needed to speak out loudly about those accomplishments.
That's good. The left and Democrats have been criticised for being "bleeding heart" and has constantly been up ended by the right. You can't always be on the high horse when the opponent is playing dirty and not following the rules. Sometimes, it's perfectly fine to dip your hands into the mud once in a while.
I'm definitely of the James Carville alignment of fighting fire with fire. No disrespect to Michelle Obama, but "When They Go Low, We Go High" doesn't work in our media landscape, and it really didn't work out all too well for Obama. I've said that the first candidate who actually spat fire back and pushed the bully back would do well. Let's not be tolerant to intolerance.
I agree that you may need a violent revolution but it is on a case by case basis.
I'm referring more to being Machiavellian politically. Franklin Roosevelt is the one I think more, who is able to make significant and lasting changes while operating along the system. In fact, he reshaped the system!
People here are weird, man. Huffpost is known to be one of the most heavily ad cluttered mess of a website in existence. There was an auto-playing video at the top, that paused itself after a few seconds for an auto-playing ad. Then I had to scroll past 4 other ads and a tweet that was not the tweet in question. I eventually got to the actual tweet after more scrolling.
And again, it's a tweet in the article. From Twitter.
But people are acting like since I posted directly to the tweet to save them all that, that I am somehow doing them a disservice while personally blowing Elon Musk and cupping his balls. The Fediverse is a weird place sometimes.