I just don't want to be homeless when I am old. That's all I want. Having food and housing. A two room apartment for me and my husband would be nice. If I can use the public transport on top of that, I'm all set. A three room apartment would be a luxury and being able to go out every once in a while would be absolutely astronomical.
(I also want to have healthcare but I am in Germany so I got that going for me which is nice. )
Modest home. Stone fruit trees. Nice big pole barn for projects.
My wife and I have been searching for community and reasonable housing costs. My data analyst self began mad research of all sorts for about a year. Then, we moved into a vehicle and explored for eight months.
Boots on the ground, we learned that everything is much, much better if you're at least 40 minutes from the closest Walmart. This is harder than it seems. It'll likely be an hour+ commute to a workplace with decent pay. But, it's been consistently true wherever we've traveled (US): No Walmart nearby means a solid community and cheap land.
We found a place we like. My wife accepted a job offer today. We bought a 14' enclosed utility trailer and will build a temporary home in the two weeks before we leave, avoiding rent and mortgage until we find the perfect piece of land.
It puzzles me why leftist parties don't all embrace lower taxes for the middle class.
They all do. My best guess as to why you'd say this is that you're including Democrats.
edit: Or, I could be a self-centered American that didn't consider others. I'll do better.
At risk of a strawman...
The shortest path to equality is to greatly reduce taxes on the middle class and increase them on the wealthy.
That's what's best for equality and for economic growth. Does this mean Democrats are horribly incompetent? Perhaps it's that equality and economic growth aren't their goals.
If you live in a society where you work a 40 hour week and you STILL can't afford basic things like shelter, food, utilities and healthcare, then the rich are stealing too goddamn much from you.
It also doesn't account for corporate price gouging or the fact that the only reason people go hungry in the world is because letting them starve is more profitable than feeding them even the leftovers and about-to-go-off.
As well as what you said, theres also no reason not the presume the number could be much lower too.
Right now, as we live and die, there's enough food to keep every human fed, with plenty of enjoyable meals included (not just boiled chicken and broccoli).
It's about distribution, which is a corporate problem.
Obesity used to be a sign of wealth, and confer higher social status. So oligarchs would be introduced as "the biggest, the fattest, the most corpulent of them all, Richie Apartheington!"
Trying to get rich is the selfish version of “every man for himself”, building a more equal society is the empathetic one: in a fair society there are no threats to seek your own life.
What if you used that plane every so often to fly others around? Or perhaps you share it with others like a time share?
It feels like there's an answer here. I'm just spit balling, though. I'm not even fully against capitalism, I'm just kind of tired of... Well... All the billionaires and dramatic wealth inequality.
It is shallow, sure. That doesn't, however mean that it isn't deep. Money is literally both and that's because it eats your shoe sole and your soul. Don't believe me? Good. Don't believe anything at all. I don't. I know what I know because I listen to "God" the Devil and the Dead. Six one way half a dozen the other. Heaven is what they don't explain.
Hold on. I need to thrown the fuck up. Lets deconstruct the evil here. I know exactly what the Devil is saying and why Heath Ledger was murdered by the CIA.
It's interesting how this scene was constructed. The blacksmiths and their table never appear outside except when guiding the one lost blacksmith back home. The old man is usually sleeping in the bar mumbling about his lost son (flute boy) until the pre-credits end sequence where they are reunited in the forest. The text boxes normally have a transparent background, but here it's a darkened floor tile from Sahasrahla's hut.
Yeah, at first I thought this could be a rom hack, which was interesting to me. But the more I look, it's clearly just an edited picture; Link missing his shadow being the giveaway.