Vitagox Weird messages from the Empress telegram. Must be a day that end in Y.
127 0 Replydrwankingstein right? gotta wonder why it was even posted in the first place
28 0 Replyakwd169 Because it was posted to Reddit and got traction
That's my guess at least
16 0 Reply
Solution Engineer
Oh no, she is off her meds again. Fast, I need to call FitGirl
56 1 ReplyLaserTurboShark69 The Empress saga somehow keeps getting more fucking weird
46 0 ReplyMatch!!
empress has such incredible villain energy i love it (she sucks ofc)
45 1 Replylars The kind of villain that is entertaining to watch. Hi, Gia Gunn, Elliot Goss, and Shiv Roy (for example)!
4 0 Replylars I take this back. EMPRESS is simply awful. Not a fun villain.
7 0 Reply
BuddyTheBeefalo on r/piracy, OP gets attacked for their second answer...
36 0 Replyfederino OP hahaha, I didn't even noticed their votes
21 0 Replyodium They probably enjoyed it
11 0 ReplyLocalhorst86 To be fair, OP asked to be abused.
3 0 Reply
punkisundead [they/them] 80000+ Core Members. Seems like a big cult.
22 0 ReplyDoucheBagMcSwag Nah we just are there for news whenever a new Denuvo game is cracked
26 0 Reply
In other news, the floor is made out of surface
17 0 Replylars Is that a euphemism for “I’m in the bottom 10%”? Jk
3 0 ReplyFacebones The floor is made out of ME. I'M THE FLOOR! uWu
2 0 Reply
amio Psychiatry could learn a lot...
14 0 ReplyAditzuL
Weird? Nah, this seems about right.
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