Gaming today
Gaming today
Gaming today
See that mountain? You can fast travel to it!
*if you pay $20/month
But what about AAAA games?
And make sure the time is synced to the cloud so they need internet connection, and so the player can't be sneaky and reload the game to reset the timer if they pressed x too many times
I've heard you can pre-order the ultimate mega edition of AAA Game 2 for only £300! It comes with a season pass (but they'll never finish the roadmap), and extra DLC that isn't in the season pass too! You'll still need to buy the extra extra DLC to get the full experience though...
This remind me of those random flash... Let's call them creations as they are neither games or animations specifically.
It starts with 1 A and a wait time of thirty seconds, each time you press the big X, it adds an 'A', and increasingly multiplies the time. You end up with the AAAAAAAAAAAAA Game, and are waiting for hours.
Does it do anything? No. It is vaguely humorous? Kinda?
I remember a flash animation that was basically the biggest advertisement of itself based off "reviews", with stuff like "The greatest animation of all time; A must see animation; Better than Lord of the Rings; Better than sex; Better than chocolate; Better than sex with chocolate" - That was all the animation was.
Don't forget the classic.
Main Menu is a flat 2D selection screen with a JPEG in the background
Presses "Back to Main Menu"
20 second loading screen
Main Menu still lags
Metal Gear series be like
Meanwhile star citizen with no loading screens once you're in the world
Because they have infinite time and money to finish it. They have achieved what many big publishers cannot, they have effectively turned a game into a bank and everyone trusts them and likes them for it.
Does it have transition animations or is it actually smooth? Asking from Elite Dangerous where the transition sequences feel pretty immersove to me. Each solar system is an instance with a wormhole jump between. Sublight and FTL have a charge/dropout sequence. The worst is switching between ship/rover/foot where the screen goes black and you hear footsteps. So what does SC do?
Smooth as heck, flying from space to planet surface. There is quantum travel between distant objects but it's not there to hide anything, you can very quickly travel from a planet to its moons for example (seconds)
Oh yeah. I've started Marvel Midnight Suns, and 4 hours of cutscene later they show how you deploy on a mission: by walking on a rainbow bridge or something. I'm like: "brilliant, now that's a way to disguise loading with something I'm doing, even if it's just walking" , and then, at a random place of that bridge, an actual loading screen appears for a good minute. What's wrong with you.
When I wanna play a game, I wanna play a game. I don't wanna watch a damn movie I can't skip. Or even worse, "follow me!" like it's Dora the Explorer on tutorial mode. I got like 30 minutes into God of War and gave up.
I can't stand games like this. You would be lucky if it was only 45 minutes.. and then they will tech you how to make every goddamn step cos god forbid you might need your brain at any point