I didn't vote for either in my primary. I chose any other Democrat, like many other people.
We don't need another DA/Prosecutor or proponent of prison slavery and ignorer of Police Brutality as President. She was against the Israeli War before this, I wonder if that position will change now.
Kamala Harris lost badly in the 2020 Primary, so putting everything on her will not do well for us.
If you didn't just vote for her in 2024 then you were never a Biden/Harris voter to begin with, so I'm not really too concerned with your opinion on the matter.
I don't understand your comment. Are you literally telling another Democrat that because they didn't vote for a Biden/Harris ticket in the Democratic party primaries that their opinion does not matter?
I'm not a Democrat. I don't care if they are either. But if they didn't vote for them in the primary, then clearly, they aren't Biden/Harris supporters anyway. That's really all I'm saying here.
I've always been fascinated with written correspondence between regular people in early 19th century Germany before the nazis took over, and how the ignorance and delusion of everyday people became the paved road that led hitler to power.