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Follow me for more deep political analysis
This could have been a truth table
If and only if.
I thought about something like that, but the flow here felt easier.
Feel free to make another version. If it's more popular, I won't be mad.
This is anti Hitler propaganda, because you chose a pic where AH isn't smiling to make him look more hitler 😑
You got me. I confess: I have a bias against hitlers.
Councilor Uunona is devastated by this news.
You know, I just realized I don't think I'd ever seen a picture of Hitler smiling.
So I looked it up. And there are plenty of them. And he looks...nice. Like, it's weird. He looks like the fun uncle. He looks like there should be a mockumentary of him where he's played by Steve Carell.
One of the big things they taught us in history lessons was how he came across very charismatic and that he was good at winning people over.
It's really important for people to understand and learn in order to not repeat the mistakes of populism, evil people don't generally go around shouting about how evil they are.
there should be a mockumentary of him where he's played by Steve Carell.
There's one with Charlie Chaplin
Jojo Rabbit is a good one.
He was a handsome chap. Just very misunderstood!
You need to find pics of him in the mountains. At Bergforf or ….
I'd love to see a poll on Trump voters for Harris vs. Hitler.
Oof. I kinda would too, but also... boy that'd be an uncomfortable read.
Pure guess? 30% would pick Hitler.... 15% would refuse to answer.
30% would not know who Harris nor Hitler is.
45% Hitler 12% Harris and the rest "No Comment"
Expect rather than names, just put down a list of head line policies.
Mark Kelly.
Navy Pilot, Navy Captain, Astronaut, Senator,, husband of Gabby Giffords, twin brother of Scott Kelly with similar resumé, and he's only 60. He and his brother can each win two terms and still be younger than Trump is now.
He also flips red states blue: he's pretty much the only Democrat who has won anything in Arizona in decades.
"only 60" - the depressing state of politics. There's a good amount of places where you'd retire before completing a single term at that age.
Agreed. I'm rather tired of the nation being run by workaholics. I want to retire someday. I want a candidate who shares that value, and builds a nation where I can do that.
Ideally, I think the oldest a candidate should be is 57 at the beginning of their first term, so that they retire from professional politics by 65.
That being said, no candidate is ever going to be perfect, and, he's still 24 years better than the current option.
And the reality is modern medical science has made 60 the new 50.
Which kinda works. because modern education has made 20 the new 14.
//class wars are awesome!
Seriously, try being the candidate talking shit about an astronaut and decorated servicemember. "I like people who stay on Earth." Well I don't!
I've actually been casting him as VP in my head for like four weeks now.
I think it's more likely than Biden being president next year, so fingers crossed.
Harris will get steamrolled by either Trump or Vance; Kelly wipes the floor with both of them. I think Kelly needs to be on the top of the ticket, and Harris needs to step down as well.
Mark Kelly as Kamala's VP? Having that balance of ethnicity would help her get the votes. It's exactly why Obama picked Biden
Kelly's "blue" credentials are sound, and his history will appeal to many otherwise "red" voters. He is a real threat to poach votes from Trump's base in red and swing states.
Harris can't do that. She's a lawyer, and everyone hates lawyers.
But nobody votes for the bottom of the ticket. Harris/Kelly loses; Kelly/Harris wins.
nope, he's too bald. can't be havin that
100% has my vote
Or Adam Schiff
Adam Schiff is a lawyer and California Democrat. He would easily win the blue states, but so would about 30 million other Democrats.
The red states will hate him, and he's opposed by BLM, so he won't be competitive in the swing states either.
There's nothing special about him.
Maybe instead of "Alive" you should go with "Currently able to form full sentences". Because Biden is just as "alive" as Trump in regards to how you are trying to frame him. The same issues Biden has, Trump has - just Trump's cult doesn't care.
Trump makes full sentences, the fullest sentences ever by any candidate current or past, no one could ever make fuller sentences, especially the losers and suckers that Trump is running against that hate America and want to turn us into a weak nation that only produces organic electricity that can't run our great country because it can't go through all the rivers and lakes because the water just stops it in its tracks and it stalls like those foreign import cars that Trump is going to put tariffs on because our great capitalist America doesn't need a bunch of foreigners telling us how to drive our cars in our country because America is great and we can do whatever we want unlike Taiwan, which isn't even a country, and needs to go away just like NATO and NASA and NOAA and all those other government agencies in the swamp that needs to be drained because it's full of gators that are making it difficult for people to use their yachts in all of this electric water that's taking over this great country!
Don't forget the 🫲🫱✋👐🙏💅☝️☝️👉👈👂🪓
trump is pretty braindead at this point. I'm pretty sure if he was beheaded he would keep talking for several days but wouldn't make any less sense
Ah, but he's the antichrist and will bring in the apocalypse.
My death cult demands it and I'll be damned if I don't get Raptured!
Trump only raptures you if you're under 14
Sheesh. Don’t let the Americans know that hitler is an option
I imagine Trump has only a partial check there. He's not any young, just seems to be hiding that fact better.
I didn't say young. I said he is "somehow alive".
There's a slurry of drugs keeping the Jonestown dreamsicle on his feet, I don't know if he's any more alive than an LLM at this point. He's certainty less cogent than one.
At least Biden is still just running in "old human" mode.
Those suggesting other candidates should probably address the three issues AOC brought up:
None of these issues exist if Biden simply steps down.
Just to be clear: this post is my way of endorsing Kamala.
Harris 2024! I'll certainly end up protesting something terrible she does, but when I do I will very much enjoy not being rounded up by the Department of Homeland Security for it.
Take a look at this and tell me you still think Kamala Harris is in any way laudible.
I will very much enjoy not being rounded up by the Department of Homeland Security for it.
Run this one by all the people beaten and arrested for protesting the genocide we're funding in Palestine.
Are you sure contributions don't transfer?
Wasn't the whole Clinton Victory Fund controversy about the Clintons seizing contributions to benefit their campaign from lesser tickets?
Huh, I guess you can do just about anything if you're willing to pay the political cost.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that at least half the population would vote for a literal Hitler.
Half the population doesn't even vote tbh
Also very true, disenfranchisement is all time high since a lot of people are starting to realize that they live under a dictatorship of capital.
The smart half. They know from personal experience that voting does absolutely nothing for their material concern.
I'm too deep in USPol brainrot to know if this is sarcastic or not
if this is sarcastic or not
Back and forth. Forever.
A little yes and a little no.
I think all of these people are monsters, but I'm also trying to find the best option among bad options. If Harris is president, I can live with that. If Trump gets elected again... I think the possibility of Palestinians getting exterminated becomes a genuine possibility, and the damage to our climate and our ability to reverse course after four years look very fragile.
It's very depressing.
If Trump gets elected again… I think the possibility of Palestinians getting exterminated becomes a genuine possibility, and the damage to our climate and our ability to reverse course after four years look very fragile.
Biden has given unconditional support to Israel, and had even circumvented Congress to give them more material support. Biden has not only done nothing of substance to fight climate change, but has approved more federal oil drilling permits than Trump.
If Trump did the things Biden did, Democrats would correctly call him a war criminal and threat to the planet.
Honestly not gonna lie, I wish Hitler was a even weaker candidate than he is today.
I like to think this is what they used to convince him to step down.
Press X to doubt
(For clarity, I agree with you lol)
Sadly, all the candidates are very big cops.
Didn't she work as a prosecutor? A literal prosecutor, vs a literal criminal, might be able to make an effective dichotomy of democracy vs fascism in (somehow) still undecided voters.
Well then, good news!
edit: this was originally in reply to a now-deleted comment about some challenges in changing the nominee, which would be resolved if Biden stepped down.
lol, yeah.
Put us in the c/agedlikemilk screenshot!
Is it not still accurate?
In US politics today, the main strike against Hitler would be that he was not a naturally born a US citizen.
Had he been born in Kentucky, he may have been able to unseat Trump. He would almost certainly be the front-runner vs Biden or Harris.
Ok, now make a mosaic of Trump from all the Americans he killed by fucking up the COVID response, all the Kurds killed by his betrayal, and all the children imprisoned and misplaced for seeking asylum.
now make a mosaic of Trump from all the Americans he killed by fucking up the COVID response
only if you promise to make one for all the people killed from Biden's failed response as well. you better hurry, you've got about 500 a day to add.
all the Kurds killed by his betrayal
I believe the quote goes "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal". (rest in piss Kissinger, the world is better off without you)
all the children imprisoned and misplaced for seeking asylum.
ICE and the cages still exist, and in fact have received increased funding year over year.
ffs USA, surely you know that democracy is about electing the people most citizens like, rather than the people most citizens don't not like...
Ok, now make an argument for Harris that isn't "Trump Bad"
We know he is, the problem is Harris is bad, too.
If there's an asshole in a protected category that the Democratic Party can find and utilize to their benefit, you can bet they'll find 'em.
Money paw finger curls in
Don't worry, Nancy wants Newsom to be the candidate.
Yasss.... queen?
Not "a hitler"?
He's doing genocide!
But only reluctantly... Well kinda I guess
Yes actually. Our bombs, our guns, our fucking jets. If you do everything you can to facilitate another country's genocide and the genocide would be impossible without your help, you are absolutely an accomplice to genocide. He's a hitler.
Yeah, but you can tell his heart isn't really in it.
He's weak sauce even when he's trying to hitler.
If there's anything his heart is in, it's Zionism. It's his one true political belief.
did you buy a lottery ticket yet?
What does it take for you to label a Hitler a Hitler? You watch someone kill thousands of children based on racism and decide they're not a Hitler?
To most Liberals Palestinians are just not humans and therefore there is no problem of human rights violation.
and also (thanfully) very dead.
No, no. Don't you know that he works as a foreman in an Argentinian VW plant?
I thought he had that base on the moon now. That's why we never went back.
No, that's just his old friends.
Not American, but “less worse than the other guy,” doesn’t seem like a winning argument to me.
Seems like that argument has won thousands of elections all over the world. This guy "less worse" seems very popular and speaks a crazy amount of languages.
I'm in NZ, we have a whole bunch of politicians to choose from, and it always comes down to who is the least likely to fuck things up beyond repair. It is not often that an objectively good candidate, everyone has their flaws.
In this example the question is not is Harris an objectively good candidate, but is she objectively better than Trump?
In my opinion yes, yes she is! Trump is the worst, the way he has emboldened the far right world wide is truly terrible.
The US has a lower voter turnout than New Zealand (significantly so until recent elections) and holds its elections on a Tuesday as opposed to a Saturday. Despite both countries having non-compulsory voting, there is a greater amount of friction for a potential voter in the US so if the choice is between a bad candidate and a less bad candidate then for many the inconvenience of voting will outweigh any desire to see the less bad candidate win.
This is how FPTP elections work, unfortunately, and this will always be the case unless we switch to parliamentary system elected by proportional voting.
Nah, Poland have that and we still get two ghouls plus some plankton every election. This will always be the case unless we switch to socialism.
the reboot of XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS* we all wanted to see.
*Mary Walsh letting out an evil "I told you so" kackle
Adonald Hitrump
Not sure I understand, how is literally hitler not a hitler?
The label says "Not a hitler?".
The X means you fail at not being a hitler. Hitler fails this test.
Ahhh. Slow day for me, thanks for clarifying.
He's not Not a Hitler
My Blåhajar: Definitely not Hitlers, and also of course alive.
Blåhaj for president!
Every political position should just be done by a Blåhaj.
Don't be like Hitler and Donald Trump and not vote for Joe Biden
First: I don't get to vote in presidential elections (I'm a Californian).
Second, Biden isn't going to be on the ballot in November.
I don't know
And so... It begins.
Somehow manages to be less likeable than a corpse and hrc.
Thank you for showing me how simple and shallow the American mind is..
Kamala is literally a Hitler. Woman openly laughs at forced labor prisoner slavery. The difference between the actual nazis and her office as DA is that they targeted blacks and browns instead of jews. Idk why so many cucks are fangirling over her rn
This is a common layman misconception. The term "hitler" isn't actually based on how much the candidate engages in human rights abuses: it's just a marker of how widely voters recognize them as "hitler-y" (to use the technical term).
A fun fact: within the field of meme political science it's recognized that if we did apply a quantitative rubric, ALL of the US Presidents are actually hitlers!
Nahhhhhh we had a black guy once. Can't have a black Hitler. Would kamala be the black Irma grese then? Pretty sure you can totally have a black Irma grese
I was unable to find anything about that. Could you please link me your source?
I grew up in Oakland, as DA she would put people in prison for weed. These same people were in prison after legalization, and their crimes were not black market dealers or anything like that. Just regular dudes who wanted to smoke up.
It's unfortunate. She has not been particularly great at doing what her constituents wanted.
This article does a pretty good job conveying how her policies were inherently conflicts of interest, but in short, The "Back on Track" program for non-violent first time offenders was primarily for people with weed convictions. The idea is that they would admit to the crime, become a felon, have their record expunged.
Now, how exactly does non-violent weed crime exists during a time where California has it legalized? And she took a long time to come around on legalization itself. The answer? It doesn't, she has gotten the nickname "top cop" as a prosecutor and has law enforcement as her main supporters as she lost support from progressive Democrats for her actions.
Now, I don't dismiss her entirely, but I'm not entirely trusting of her either. She doesn't have the history to indicate she would suddenly flip and be super progressive. That said, when she has a conviction, she does stick to it. Early in her career as district attorney she vehemently opposed and fought against the death penalty - to which Diane Feinsteinn criticized and said she wouldn't have supported her had she known this.
All this to say - she has accomplished a great deal, but it has been because of how many she has thrown under the bus. That makes it difficult to trust that we wouldn't just be thrown under the bus again.
Edit: Wrote all this before learning Biden dropped out. Wow!
She repeatedly fought to keep non violent criminals locked up in inhumane conditions explicitly for their labor capacity. CA makes big money selling slave labor @ $0.75/hr paid to the inmate.
She is descended from Jamaican slave owners, probably with slave ancestry mixed in. You'd think it'd be an easy slam dunk win for hee to eradicate slavery in the US but the money too good. She got bought.
You should ask the Gazans how Hitlerian they think Biden is if there's any left
The truth is, you didn't need to convince me. I think Biden is a monster. The meme is a set of jokes written in the voice of a mainstream American political pundit, not a genuine reflection of my personal attitudes.
My personal attitudes are that every US president is a war criminal, and Biden, Bush, Cheney, and Blinken should be hauled off to the international criminal court.
Dude fuck off, I'm sorry but there is no viable "tell Israel to get fucked" candidate. Biden isn't bombing Gaza personally, the US military isn't bombing Gaza. The GOP has showed they staunchly want to see it escalate and wipe Gaza off the map completely, this is a holy proxy war for them. Israel and its genocide has overwhelming support in US politics. None of this makes it right, but it does make it not a relevant issue in this presidential race.
You don't pick a candidate that shares every belief and opinion as you. You vote for the candidate which will do the least harm and the most good and only the frontrunners count as candidates and you know it.
It's nice to see that some people will morally compromise for "just a little genocide", either enacted or enabled (which is functionally the exact same). Must be so convenient and freeing to be so absent the weight of a conscience.
Ignoring the genocide in Gaza are we? Do liberals realize how insulting this is?
Not completely ignoring - I assume that was the swipe about "only engages in genocide reluctantly" was about.
Myself, I agree with you that we haven't seen much sign of that reluctance.
I don't know if you can read the text easily on mobile, but there's a joke in the text describing there about how he is indeed committing genocide.
Biden is also Hitler. He is racist and fascist. Should meet your every qualifying metric
Oh both sides are the same ?
That tune again.
One Hitler is attempting to make progress towards education, establishing renewables, fixing the failures of redlining, further investing in farming, protecting natural reserves, alleviate student debt, bring manufacturing state side, holding companies more accountable, having politicians that actually represent their constituents, having a focus on making medication more available and making fairly significant strides in funding for cancer research.
And well, the other Hitler is attempting to become president for the rest of his life, bury the voices of minority and LGBT voices in the sand and preventing these people from holding cabinet positions, vying for corporate tax write-offs, and campaigning on literal hatred.
But yeah, both sides are the same for us. None of it matters because both would participate in the war machine.
Sorry, the idea that Trump would be better for Gaza is literally insane to me. He has said "finish the problem" in support of Israel, so, in fact, no he would not be better. He would be far, far worse. In literally every aspect imaginable. Side note: Biden has been criticized lately for not being present in cabinet meetings. Trump was literally not present at the same ones during his time in office. We are voting for the Presidential Cabinet, not just the President.
Do we want someone like Betsy DeVoss for Secretary of Education again? Do we really want someone like Scott Pruit for the head of the EPA again? Like come on people, Biden sucks in so many ways but he has a cabinet that at least attempts to be beneficial for people like us. Queer politicians can actually feel safe having a job in the government, and the more of us that exist in politics the more change we can make.
Edit: Wrote all this before learning Biden has dropped out. Wow!
I was surprised by this comment.. Until I saw you just joined here (probably from Reddit) where comments like that get upvoted by bots and it's a echo chamber which has gone full stupidity as of late in many subs
There's literally no evidence of that.
And the fact he has just endorsed a black woman for president makes it more ridiculous.
Biden is also Hitler. He is racist and fascist.
Prove it.
He's using the ancient rhetorical device of "I know you are, but what am I?".
Hate her because she was prosecutor but at least she's not the undead monster that is Bo Jiden.
Accusing the only one who hasn't participated in genocide as the real monster is dumb as fuck
this escalated with him moving the embassy.
He didn’t have the chance yet, but once he has it, he will genocide domestically
Nevermind he already had the chance and didn't.
I get where you're coming from, but the meme is a joke, and this particular set of jokes doesn't work if you do it that way.
This ain't a joke, it's a pictorial opinion
Biden at least kinda softly sorta sometimes pushes back a little bit on Israel. Whereas Trump literally proactively decided to recognise the illegally occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
They're both bad, but one is worse, and it's not the one you're suggesting.
I agree with you... but I don't disagree with @john_mcmurray.
The fact that Biden actually participates in genocide at all is just ghastly. I honestly struggle to find the words for it. And once he crossed that bridge, I will never ever try to argue with someone who assigns him equal moral equivalence with Trump.
It's like debating whether someone who killed one of your children is better than someone who killed two. Mathematically? I think so. Conceptually? Those are who child murderers. The difference is negligible.
There are still Palestinians alive right now, though, so we can't give up, no matter how heartbroken.