What Happens to seeded RARBG Torrents
What Happens to seeded RARBG Torrents
I've been seeding some torrents from RARBG for about 6 -4 months, this is before RARBG went offline.
I've noticed that now that these torrents have 0 seeds, 0 peers (except one that has 1 peer).
Is it worth seeding these anymore? Will anyone ever find these torrents?
Hcbille @lemmy.world No.
The RARBG tracker, that keeps track on anyone that has the file are offline so they’ll not be able to connect you with anyone.
0 0 ReplyFell @ma.fellr.net
@Hcbille @Campsite6926 While you're right, you're also wrong. The DHT allows for these torrents to be found still, but it's less effective than a tracker.
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