Started my first run of hitting the pool before work... ... I think I passed out during lunch break and I am borderline praying for the power to go out so I can go home early. Fuck I am tired... But I swam though! Goggles work great too!
Have been trying to resume working on a pull request, so much resistance for no obvious reason. Going to find some synthwave and imagine I'm a space engineer who's tinkering with eir ship... powered by PHP 👀
I've been going hard at cycling lately. I used to hate distance/cardio/endurance workouts, but the bike rides have been honestly pretty fun. I'm hoping that the next time I play airsoft with my local fur folks, I'll be in decent shape.
I've also been working out outside to help acclimatize my body to the heat. The hope is that wearing my suit is more comfy.
Have a one week vacation at my doefriends place and am so glad I can cuddle them again~
Long distance relationships are very uncuddly at times, but still so worth it
Looking way too often at work chat thingy though..
Eternally busy at my work. I have a couple of junior devs that I have to watch over and they're just so dumb. Every time I think I'm done with work for the day they find something new to break. Really getting tired of it lately - they're making me work 8 hour days and my preferred amount is about 2.
I got sick! Its really knocked the wind out of my sails, I slept for 11 hours and just woke up now. Ill probably be playing more rain world today, I started last Saturday and have played nothing else since. Its brutally difficult, but its so rewarding when you achieve any goals or learn how to dunk on enemies.
Oh, this was a long and boring day, but I finished many things for which there was no time before, so I'm glad about it. But I still feel a bit nervous, because.. I came out to my mom yesterday, yaay! While I'm still nervous about it, she's mostly fine with it. It was very spontaneous, but it should have happened a long time ago in my opinion
And as for now, I'm playing with Perlin noise to write an amateur (I'm reeeealy not so good at coding, so I'm trying to impove my skills a bit) map generator (with WA sprite format parser) for Worms Armageddon