Will not sway maga idiots. They WANT all of it
The cruelty has always been the point.
He belongs in prison, he's a monster, but there is a part of me grateful to him for throwing away all the dog whistles Republicans had been cultivating for decades and removing the ambiguity that allowed them to spew their venom in polite society.
I've been talking about what a danger the Republican party is, and what they actually want through their dogwhistles since Bill Clinton was President, to eyerolls of friends and family. I wrote papers about the dangers of the Federalist society and an unchecked SCOTUS in college only to be met with professor's notes that I "lacked essential respect" for esteemed and "apolitical" institutions, lol, so virtuous they are beyond reproach. Not to mention feeling like I was taking crazy pills in the face of indifference to the slow moving cataclysm for our species that is climate change. How bout this heat?
I'm not happy that time has proven me correct, but I am vindicated. It was always about greed appealing to and manipulating America's most abundant resource, hatred, to take control of our institutions for short term profit, the social framework and even our shared sole habitat be damned.
Welcome to the party, pals.
Damn, that's good writing. And similar to my experience. And I'm sure many others'. I think it drives me the most crazy that you're not allowed to talk about these issues so often because "politics" upset people. Facts are "politics" now and lies are "the truth". 🤯
I think the goal is to energize voters that don't know about and are super over having two ancient old white men in charge.
I am too, but the DNC will clearly cause less acute damage than the GOP.
Good news is we don't need a single maga idiot to to leave the cult to win. We just need Democrats to show up and some independent apathetic swing-voters to stay engaged.
Bad news is there aren't good signs of that right now...
According to the propaganda machine.
The goal is to sway the centrists. The MAGAS will always be the dumb.
Yup while sane, rational thinking people look at it and notice the obvious shit ideas it's riddled with that will quickly lead to the downfall of the nation and increase the progress for the destruction of the world, brainwashed conservatives look at it like bible 2.0.
I was just paid to talk there, I get paid to talk a lot of places, I don't know most of the places. People love me, they come up to me and say can I please give you money can I and they're really pathetic like Carmahlaha you know that she doesn't even golf? They say to me please take my money and speak to people at my building and if course I do because I'm a genius and they don't even kiss me on the mouth anymore well project 2025 isn't even the most important group I've distanced myself from think about my children, I don't except my beautiful baby girl, you know she...
And on and on
That seg way to his children was brilliant. Well done
Always be hitting them with Project 2025, don't let them try to gish gallop their way out of it, nail them to it like putting up a hook to hang a painting on.
Trump needs to explain this by having a press conference, possibly multiple press conferences where his every word is scrutinized. He's been running away for too long. Voters are losing confidence in his abilities in general and this issue is getting away from him.
If he can't tamp down the speculation and rumors, he needs to step down so another candidate can be nominated at the convention.
If you make his denial of knowledge an attack on his memory (“Dementia Donny Doesn’t Remember”), I bet his ego wouldn’t be able to resist countering.
Yes. But he won't and his base doesn't care so let's get going on another plan. Let's try to get litteraly anyone else elected because it's not actually about one guy in the Whitehouse, its about an entire administration and supreme court nominations.
The original is a piss drawer I think. Equally fitting.
"That's not me, that's a deep state deep fake. Anyone who says they were there is a paid actor. Fake news!"
Sure it's a lie, but we all know that doesn't matter. His base will be unmoved in their belief in him and enough credulous centrists will believe him that this will get forgotten about in a few news cycles.
Even bad attention is attention. And attentiom can win elections.
Why are we not just ignoring this guy?