Probably the biggest debate was which path to pick, Natah, Lotus or Margulis. Wanted to post my thoughts on the whole matter.
I kinda regret picking Margulis but the way I see it, the Lotus was created by the Orokin, a false persona and nothing would have been fixed by returning her to that state.
Natah was who she originally was, a sentient fighting against the Orokin and Tenno. But the thing is I dont think she could fully go back to that past, its long gone. Both by what Ballas and the Orokin did to her but also by her relationship with us the tenno.
Its why I picked Margulis. To me it's kinda like a mix of who she was, and who she wants to be now. Margulis loved the tenno, but Lotus isn't fully margulis she's still her own person, just now takes the role and name of the tennos 'mother'. Like the quest said, Margulis is only leading the other two personalities and over time I beleive they will meld into the person she truly is.
The way I saw it Natah is who she was born as, and was who she was at the start of the old war.
Lotus is the shared dream of the tenno for her, dream not of what you are but of what you want to be and all that.
Margulis I always viewed as being the falsest of the identities. IMO she was never truly Margulis, Margulis was just the base chosen for her recreation by the tenno.
I ended up picking Lotus, because I dont think going back to the Natah she once was would be true to who she is now, and I don't thino she was ever really Margulis to begin with. Lotus is her present to me, it represents who she has become more than who she was before.
I'm actually in awe of how well they handled this choice because each one of them has fantastic ironclad reasons why.
I chose Lotus because I viewed her as wanting to "reclaim" that role for herself. She isn't Margulis, she isn't Natah anymore, she is the Lotus who protects and stabilizes the Origin system.
This was my thought process exactly. That's her role, and she's reclaiming it now. It helps that the appearance that she chose immediately after killing Ballas was her new Radiant Lotus skin, giving the perfect embodiment of her new, reclaimed identity.